Page 105 - AIT1118_E-Paper
P. 105

Entwurf • Design GSP Architekten, Bremen
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Landkreis Ammerland, Westerstede
                                                                                        Standort • Location An der Hös sen 23, Westerstede
                                                                                        Bruttogeschossfläche • Gross floor area 4.366 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos GfG, Thomas Kleiner, Bremen
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 146

                                                                                        PSYCHOTHERAPY CLINIC

                                                                                        IN WESTERSTEDE

                                                                                        The new special clinic for psychosomatic medicine and
                                                                                        psychotherapy in the grounds of the Ammerland Klinik
                                                                                        in Westerstede in Lower Saxony was built according to
                                                                                        plans by the Bremen GSP Gerlach Schneider Partner
                                                                                        architectural office. From the outside as well as on the
                                                                                        inside, the new building convinces with a high-quality
                                                                                        design reminding more of a hotel than a hospital.

                                                                                        T  he Ammerland Klinik in  Westerstede, located in north-western
                                                                         W                 Lower Saxony, is the central hospital in the district which bears
                                                                                        the same name. Its origins go back to the period of the Second World
                                                                                        War. At the time, the navy barracks on the periphery of Westerstede
                                                                                        were first used as a military hospital and later turned into a state hos-
                                                                                        pital. Since the Ammerland district took it over at the beginning of the
                                                                                        1950s, the clinic has been continuously expanded. For close to ten
                                                                                        years, the Westerstede army hospital likewise situated in the grounds
                                                                                        has been in direct as well as medical association with the Ammerland
                                                                                        Klinik. The latest addition on the clinic area is the special clinic for psy-
                                                                                        chosomatic medicine and psychotherapy  which is run by the
                                                                                        Bundeswher together with the Psychiatrieverband Oldenburger Land,
                                                                                        the so-called Karl Jaspers Klinik. The architect Björn Gross and the inte-
                Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                   W           rior designer Carolin Kimmer from the Bremen GSP Gerlach Schneider
                                                                                        Partner architectural office were commissioned to plan the new addi-
                                                                                        tional building. They designed a two-storey masonry building which,
                                                                                        on a figure-eight layout, encloses two inner courtyards. As regards the
                                                                                        construction, the possibility of adding more levels exists. On the one
                                                                                        hand, the new building adapts to the neighbouring brick buildings as
                                                                                        to the material yet, at the same time, stands out from the existing red
                                                                                        clinic buildings due to its bright sandstone colour. On the ground floor
                                                                                        are the doctors’ offices and the therapy rooms as well as storage and
                                                                                        technology areas. Close to half of the floor area is reserved for later
                                                                                        expansion. The patient rooms are on the upper level. A total of 45 beds
                                                                                        are distributed over spaciously and friendly designed single- and dou-
                                                                                        ble bedrooms. Several lounges, bathrooms and communal kitchens
                                                                                        are allocated to the rooms. The ground- and the upper floors are con-
                                                                                        nected by an open staircase in the centrally positioned entrance hall.
                                                                                        Above all in view of the, in some cases, very long stays of the patients,
                                                                                        the quality of the interior construction was a primary concern for the
                                                                                        planners. Their declared aim was to give the furnishing rather more
                Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                               the look of a comfortable hotel than of a hospital.

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