Page 46 - AIT1117_E-Paper
P. 46


                                                                             ebenfalls seit 100 Jahren kaum  weiterentwickelte  Verbrennungstechnik beatmet
               Volvo XC90                                                    wird. „Aus heutiger Sicht werden wir keine neue Generation Dieselmotoren mehr
                                                                             entwickeln", sagte Vorstandschef Håkan Samuelsson zuletzt in einem Interview der
               Motor: Reihenvierzylinder, Automatikgetriebe   CO 2 -Emission: 149 g/km  Frankfurter Allge meinen  Zeitung.  Volvo  wolle deshalb in  Zukunft auf die Elek -
               Max. Leistung: 173 kW/235 PS   Beschleunigung: 0–100km/h in 7,8 Sekunden   trifizierung der gesamten Modellpalette setzen. Der XC90 erscheint daher wie der
               Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 220 km/h    Verbrauch: 6,2 l – 10 l/100 km Diesel  letz te große Saurier, das Rentier…
                                                                             Fahrendes Wohnzimmer oder wohldosierte Geländegängigkeit?

                                                                             Im Inneren kann der Volvo mit einer üppigen Vollaustattung aus hellem Leder und
                                                                             vielfältigen  Elektronik-Extras  überzeugen.  Die  Mischung  aus  fahrendem  Wohn -
                                                                             zimmer und wohldosierter Geländegängigkeit macht den Wagen zum idealen Bau -
                                                                             stellen fahrzeug, mit dem wir auch bei unseren weiter entfernten Objekten in Berlin
                                                                             oder Ost-Holstein die Baugrube inspizieren konnten, ohne aussteigen zu müssen.
                                                                             Auf dem Rückweg Richtung Hamburg stelle ich mir nach einem anstrengenden Tag
                                                                             mit Bau- und Planungsbesprechungen wieder die Frage, ob man ein knapp zweiein-
                                                                             halb  Tonnen  schweres  Gefährt  fahren  muss,  dessen  Automatikgetriebe  bei  220
                                                                             Stunden kilometer noch in den achten Gang schaltet, um sich 11 bis 12 Liter Diesel
                                                                             auf 100 Kilometer schlürfend in den Reisemodus  zu begeben. Ich schalte die
                                                                             Massagesitze an und  vergesse die Not wen dig keit einer Antwort auf diese Frage.
                                                                             Zurück in Eimsbüttel wird der in Leder eingefasste Schlüssel (gleiches Material wie
                                                                             die Innenaustattung des Wagens) an den Praktikanten übergeben, auf dass er am
                                                                             gerade beginnenden Wochenende eine Lösung finde…
                                                                                bonnet up to the forehead or the question: Does it really take a vehicle weighing
                                                                                almost two and a half tons  whose automatic transmission even changes into
                                                                             eighth gear at 200 kilometres per hour to switch into the travel mode while guzzling
                                                                             eleven to 12 litres of diesel per 100 kilometres? This question was still a long way off
                                                                             when the Volvo XC90 – the large SUV from the Swedish manufacturer – for the first time
                                                                             pushed its 20-inch rims down the cobblestone street  where our office is located.
                                                                             Nonetheless: Despite its beefy and elitist appearance, the outer image of the off-roader
                                                                             has a pleasantly elegant shape. It was especially the first generation of the XC90 with
                                                                             its clumsy enormous tail lights – similar to the first BMW off-roader X5 at the end of the
                                                                             1990s – seemed like the first tentative steps on a new terrain. Whereas the classic lim-
                                                                             ousines and estate cars from this manufacturer, almost without exception and during all
                                                                             the years, were given timeless and high-quality designs, these clumsy boxy cars today
                                                                             look like from the Stone Age. The XC90 sold since 2015 seems to have overcome these
                                                                             teething troubles and presents itself with shapely lines and well-balanced proportions.

                                                                             The radiator grille is immediately recognizable as a Swede!

               Vor Gut Hasselburg von Biewer Mau Architekten • In front of Gut Hasselburg designed by Biewer Mau Architekten  Chief designer Thomas Ingenlath even succeeded in redesigning the radiator grille
                                                                             which, after more than 100 years of automobile history, has already been shaped in
                                                                             any form imaginable all the way to a front dissolving into individual dots in some of
               Der Dallmayr to go findet bequem in der Mittelkonsole Platz. • Dallmayr coffee to go easily fits into the centre.  the newer Mercedes models. The concave grille is unique and immediately recogniza-
               console                                                       ble as a Swede without – unlike the LED lighting or the other electronic gadgets of
                                                                             today’s cars – wanting to cover up the fact that it serves to ventilate a kind of   com-
                                                                             bustion technology which has likewise hardly been further developed during almost
                                                                             100 years. “From today’s perspective, we will not develop a new generation of diesel
                                                                             engines”, chief executive Håkan Samuelsson recently said in an interview for the
                                                                             Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. That was why, in future, Volvo in future would turn to
                                                                             electrification for the complete range of models. The XC90 thus seems to be the last
                                                                             large dinosaur, the reindeer …On the inside, the Volvo is able to impress with its com-
                                                                             plete fittings of light-coloured leather and a variety of electronic accessories. The com-
                                                                             bination of a living-room on wheels and well-measured off-road capability makes the
                                                                             car an ideal vehicle for visiting construction sites with which we were also able to look
                                                                             at the foundation pits of our more distant objects in Berlin or Ost-Holstein without hav-
                                                                             ing to get out of the car. On the way back towards Hamburg, after a hard day full of
                                                                             construction- and planning meetings, I keep asking myself the question whether one
                                                                             really has to drive a vehicle weighing almost two and a half tons whose automatic
                                                                             transmission even changes into eighth gear at 200 kilometres per hour to switch into
                                                                             travel mode while guzzling eleven to 12 litres of diesel per 100 kilometres. I turn on the
                                                                             massage seats and forget the necessity to answer this question. Back in Elmsbüttel, the
                                                                             leather-framed key (the same material as the car’s interior fittings) is handed over to
                                                                             the trainee so he might find an answer on the just starting weekend …

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