Page 111 - AIT1117_E-Paper
P. 111

Entwurf • Design Space Popular, TH-Bangkok
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Infinity Spa, TH-Bangkok
                                                                                        Standort • Location Silom Road, TH-Bangkok
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 350 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos W Workspace Company Limited
                                                                                        Mehr Information • More information 138

                                                                                        INFINITY SPA

                                                                                        IN BANGKOK

                                                                                        Fresh colouring, clear volumes, furnishing elements rich
                                                                                        in details, trendy materials and much space for develo-
                                                                                        ping effects in every respect: With the wellness temple
                                                                                        designed in Bangkok by the architects from Space
                                                                                        Popular, the planners succeeded in achieving an exam-
                                    3                                                   ple of how building structures steeped in tradition can
                                                                                        be turned into modern service landscapes.

                                    2                                                   I  n the whole Southeast Asian region, the traditional shophouse is a
                                                                                          specific type of building. Nothing has changed about it since the 19th
                                                                                        century: The terraced house with a width of five metres and a depth of
                                                                                        ten metres and up to four storeys is being constructed to this day and
                                                                                        combines a commercial area at ground level, which is characterized by
                      1                                                                 a mezzanine,  with several rental flats situated above it. In Bangkok,
                                                                                        these shophouses have become characteristic of the cityscape to such an
                                                                                        extent that entire streets are meanwhile a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
                                                      1 Empfang und Verkauf • Reception and sales
                                                      2 Warten • Waiting area           For the operators of the Infinity Spa, the architects from Space Popular
                                                      3 WC-Anlagen • WC facilities
                                                      4 Räume für Pflegeanwendungen • Rooms for body care  merged two shophouses near the historic centre and added all the areas
                                                      5 Massageräume •  Rooms for massages
                                                                                        necessary for a wellness temple to the existing spatial structures. Along
                Axonometrie – EG und Galerie • ground floor and gallery                 the façade, the now almost square “commercial space” was turned into
                                                                                        a generous as well as attractive entrance hall. Standing out as to its
                                                                                        colour with a kind of strong green-turquoise, below the mezzanine an
                                                                                        administration unit hidden behind curtains  was designed  with two
                                                                                        “transit areas” on either side. From here, one gets to the mezzanine with
                                                                                        a waiting area and WC facilities. Above it are two consistently brightly
                                                                                        designed floors for the treatments and massages. The treatment cabins
                                                                                        can be separated or merged  with  white curtains.  White  wall areas,
                                                                                        others flecked  with grey as  well as  white synthetic-resin floors and
                                                                                        acoustically effective ceiling elements in yellow-gold create a calm set-
                                                                                        ting for about 20 pieces of furniture specifically designed for the spa.
                                 4                                                      From the wide variety of chairs to clothes racks to display shelves all the
                                                                      5                 way to the reception counter, each piece is constructed based on an ela-
                                                                                        borate frame structure lacquered green-turquoise which, with its nume-
                                                                                        rous braces, has a filigree and in some places graphic-look ornamenta-
                                                                                        tion. In contrast, the permanently mounted furnishing elements are
                                                                                        white but do not take second place to the chairs and the other furniture.
                                                                                        The mezzanine railings are thus not simply railings but also a sophisti-
                                                                                        cated system of display cases. Despite the simple spatial volumes, all
                                                                                        these small and large room components produce premises rich in
                                                                                        details which, thanks to minimalist colouring, do not look overabundant
                Axonometrie – 1. OG • Axonometry – first upper level  Axonometrie – 2. OG  • Axonometry, second upper level  but create a harmonious overall impression.

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