Page 103 - AIT1117_E-Paper
P. 103

Entwurf • Design Betwin Space Design, KR-Seoul
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client privat
                                                                                        Standort • Location KR-Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 363 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Yong Joon Choi
                                                                                        Mehr Information • More information 136

                                                                                        VETERINARY SURGICAL

                                                                                        CENTER IN SUWON-SI

                                                     1 Eingang • Entrance                   uite a few South Koreans love dogs and cats to bits. However,
                                                     2 Empfang • Reception              Q   while four-legged friends are still regarded by some as live-
                                                     3 Medizinische Erstberatung • First medical examination advice
                                                     4 Lahmheitsuntersuchung • Walk appraisal
                           5    6   7                                                   stock with a healing effect, they have become companions for oth-
                                                     5 Rehabilitationszentrum • Rehabilitation center
                                                     6 Duschraum • Shower room          ers, whose well-being should be well taken care of: the services
                                                     7 Hydrotherapie • Hydrotherapy     ranges from animal wellness temples to animal surgeries such as
                                                     8 Besprechungsraum • Meeting room
                                                     9 Untersuchungszimmer • Exam room  the Oasis Veterinary Surgical Center.
                                                     10 Ultraschallraum • Ultrasonography room
                                                     11 Apotheke • Pharmacy
                                                     12 Direktorenbüro • Director office  According to a recent survey, about twenty percent of the Korean pop-
                                           1         13 Sauerstoffversorgungsraum • Oxygen supply room
                                                     14 Umkleide • Fitting room         ulation now own a pat. Those who have too little room in their own
                                                     15 Hundestation • Dog wards
                                                     16 Röntgenraum • X-ray room        four walls for their animal companion will find plenty of dog and cat
                                                     17 Behandlungsraum • Treatment room  cafés in the city. In such cafés, the four-legged friends are by no
                                                     18 Forschungslabor • Research room
                       8                             19 Katzenstation • Cat wards       means available as dishes listed on the menu, but very lively mingle
                                                     20 Isolationsraum • Isolated room
                                    2                                                   with the guests. One reason for this pet boom is the increasing num-
                                                     21 Intensivstation • Intensive care unit
                                                     22 Wäscherei • Laundry             ber of single households respectively childless couples in the
                                                     23 Operationssaal • Operating room
                                                     24 Vorbereitungsraum • Preperation room  Republic of Korea. In compliance with the animals’ status as partner
                                    9                                                   respectively child replacement, owners are very concerned about the
                                    9                                                   well-being of their pets, even if this requires surgical intervention. The
                        12         11
                                                                                        Oasis Veterinary Surgical Center in Suwon-Si is a veterinary clinic for
                                                                                        orthopaedics and neurosurgery offering services from surgical to reha-
                                                                                        bilitative treatments. In order to win the trust of the owners, South
                                                                                        Korean interior design firm Betwin Space Design designed an animal
                     14          10
                         13                                                             surgery,  which exudes professionalism and is highly technical.
                                                                                        Between treated concrete floors, metal surfaces, double-webbed plas-
                                        18                                              tic panels, and partly exposed installations, it would hardly come as
                                                                                        a surprise to suddenly bump into an animal robot instead of four-
                         15               19                                            legged friends of flesh and blood. The choice of materials is based on
                                                                                        durability and hygienic aspects. At the same time, it underlines the
                                            20                                          clear division of the floor plan into communication areas, examina-
                                                                                        tion and other treatment rooms as well as the two operating rooms.
                                                                                        In addition to the various animal characteristics, the room composi-
                                                                                        tion also took into account the owners’ needs: for example, numerous
                                                                                        visual links provide an overview of the activities taking place around
                                       21  22
                                                                                        the beloved creature. Reception, waiting and initial consultation areas
                                                                                        are combined in one large zone - including a glass consultation booth
                                                                                        -, and the two adjoining rooms for hydrotherapy and other rehabilita-
                                                                                        tion measures are also open to views from the adjoining area. The
                             23     24    23                                            central treatment room, on the other hand, affords an unrestricted
                                                                                        view into the surrounding units, such as operating room and dog
                                                                                        ward. While the cool materials and the clear structure create a reli-
                                                                                        able impression, the animal patients and their owners will - at the lat-
                Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  est after successful treatment - add liveliness and colour to the design.

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