Page 127 - AIT1023_E-Paper
P. 127

Entwurf • Design Mjölk architekti, CZ-Liberec
                                                                                Bauherr • Client Kloboucká lesní, CZ-Brumov-Bylnice
                                                                                Standort • Location Vlárská 321, CZ-Brumov-Bylnice
                                                                                Nutzfläche • Floor space 2610 m 2
                                                                                Fotos • Photos BoysPlayNice, CZ-Prag
                                                                                Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 150

                                                                                KLOBOUCKÁ LESNÍ

                                                                                IN BRUMOV-BYLNICE

                                                                                As a result of climatic conditions and the Russian war of
                                                                                aggression, the timber industry is currently undergoing
                                                                                major changes. These are expressed in the worrying
                                                                                increase in forest fires, forest dieback in general, as
                                                                                well as the considerable fluctuations in the price of
                                                                                wood. Mjölk architekti from Liberec prove that wood
                                                                                is nevertheless definitely a material with a future.

                                                                                J an March and Jan Vondrák met while they were both studying archi-
                                                                                 tecture at the technical university of Liberec. After they had graduated
        Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               in 2008, they founded their own office in Liberec. And unlike many
                                                                                of their former fellow students who moved to established architecture
                                                                                firms located abroad, the two decided to keep their location and put
                                                                                all their effort in pushing for improvements right in their own country.
                                                                                Recently, not far from the Slovakian border, the new headquarters of a
                                                                                sawmill was completed and impressively demonstrates the well-earned
                                                                                success of their endeavour. Here, Mjölk architekti have designed an
                                                                                elongated, three-storey office building whose modular construction can
                                                                                be expanded according to need and whose interior is freely designable
                                                                                and adaptable as well. 32 structural elements resembling a valley beam
                                                                                truss evoke associations with hall construction and are – for all the
                                                                                rationality of their execution – aesthetic enough not to be understood as
                                                                                purely functional objects. They structure the building rhythmically and
                                                                                their roof overhang, with the storey ceiling projecting to eaves height,
        Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss •  First floor plan                           defines two terraces with colonnade character beneath them. Instead
                                                                                of columns, these are flanked by the façade on the ground floor and
                                                                                a rainwater storage tank that is running parallel to each (which helps
                                                                                to improve the microclimate). The roof is fully glazed to the north and
                                                                                has a photovoltaic system to the south that produces enough electricity
                                                                                to cover the building’s own needs. Inside, the polished cement screed,
                                                                                the exposed-concrete staircase and the red or black painted technology
                                                                                stand out in contrast. The choice of the remaining, dominating material
                                                                                seems self-evident in the case of the sawmill and in view of the holi-
                                                                                stically and sustainably conceived design: wood, of course! Especially
                                                                                since the origins of the term sustainability lie in forestry. “Only cut as
                                                                                much wood as the forest can handle!” The company consistently fol-
                                                                                lows this tenet, written by the “father of sustainability” Hans Carl von
                                                                                Carlowitz at the beginning of the 18th century. With larch-, spruce- and
                                                                                pine wood from the surrounding forests and manufacture in the pro-
        Grundriss Dachgeschoss •  Attic floor plan                              duction hall 100 metres away, the transport route was also eliminated.

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