Page 150 - AIT1022_E-Paper
P. 150


            In den Teeküchen setzt die CI-Farbe Gelb Akzente. • The CI colour yellow adds accents in the tea kitchens.

            Fördert das Miteinander: kommunikativer Pausentreffpunkt • Communicative meeting point during breaks  Open Space-Landschaft mit individuellen Rückzugsorten • Open-space landscape: individual places for retreating

            N   ot far from the Television Tower, an additional monument of the Berlin industrial  the entire project. The planners reacted to the acoustic requirements of the spacious
                culture is currently being given a new life. According to a master plan by David
                                                                          premises by developing a multidimensional concept: In the entrance area, for in-
            Chipperfield Architects, the Bötzow beer factory – constructed in 1885 and partly da-  stance, a moss-covered wall ensures muted acoustics. The adjacent hall has a room-
            maged in the Second World War – is being converted into a high-quality location. Be-  high theatre curtain and a specifically developed ceiling installation consisting of
            sides the seven existing buildings, the plan includes an additional four new buildings.  wool-felt absorbers with magnetic mountings. Oriented as to colour on the building
            The characteristics of Prussian industrial architecture as well as the signs of use that  stock, in the office landscape the surfaces and the felt of the wall covering with inte-
            tell stories have been deliberately preserved in the renovation and serve as a refe-  grated lockers make for pleasant acoustics.
            rence for the new buildings so that the special charm of the site endures.The Sartorius
            Life Science Factory and the LabTwin start-up have moved into one of the seven re-  Cautious dealing – monument protection and sustainability
            furbished existing buildings. On a total of 3,200 square metres and behind the en-
            trance area looking like a lounge, the employees are provided with a multifunction  The preservation order laid down especially strict requirements regarding the plan-
            hall as well as an adjacent two-level office landscape. Stairs positioned in the centre  ning of the interior design. This is why all the equipment elements can be easily re-
            of the space with an all-round gallery and large skylights links the two levels which  moved and reused which also benefits sustainability. Some of the furniture further-
            additionally suppy the ground floor with daylight. The Berlin mintdesign studio of in-  more comes from an earlier project that mintdesign had realized for LabTwin. Since
            terior design has devised a collage of work settings for the premises that promotes  the various materials in the overall concept also serve to structure the different work
            productivity and concentration as well as creativity and collaboration. Equipped with  settings, it was possible to sensibly integrate the rather dark components made of
            mobile furniture, there is room for various event formats as well as for agile ways of  wood from the previous project into the bright concept of the interior furnishing. Not
            working. The office landscape designed as an open space is structured by room-in-  last, the planning was oriented on the standards for the certification by the DNGB, the
            room systems and partitions and gives the employees a variety of options. The work-  German Sustainable Building Council. This is noticeable in the cautious dealing with
            stations are equipped with electro-mechanically height-adjustable desks as well as  the existing premises just as much as in the flexible furnishing with high-quality ma-
            ergonomic office swivel chairs to make healthy working possible. The accenting co-  terials and the longevity of the furniture installed. The best conditions are thus given
            lour yellow oriented on the corporate design of the Sartorius company runs through  for visionary thinking in an innovation location.

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