Page 128 - AIT1020_E-Paper
P. 128


            Im geschlossenen Zustand misst die Grundfläche 240 Zentimeter im Quadrat. Geöffnet bespielt der Kubus 56 Quadratmeter. • When closed, the floor space is 240 centimeters in square.

            O   which we work. The proportion of static, fixed and unchanging office workpla-  and folded out, between 16 to 18 people can use Cubomagico simultaneously. It then
                ur working world is undergoing constant changing and so are the rooms in
                                                                          takes up many times its actual floor space and provides a space measuring approxi-
            ces as we know them from the past will decrease significantly in the future, while  mately seven by eight metres. Internal cabling makes the setup very easy. One socket
            more and more offices will be transformed into dynamic and flexible working envi-  in the respective room is sufficient to connect the entire Magic Cube to the electrical
            ronments. The office as a fixed anchor point is increasingly being questioned. Howe-  grid. Cubomagico can therefore be used without any problems in almost any location
            ver, this either-or approach is not a solution for the future. What we rather need are  — including historical and listed rooms. It is also suitable for temporary use at trade
            variable solutions that combine static, dynamic and flexible elements to meet the in-  fairs, exhibitions or events. The structural skeleton of the aluminium cube is light-
            dividual requirements of the users. Forms must be developed that are capable of re-  weight and therefore easy to transport. Furthermore, the separation of the supporting
            sponding to and representing the respective wishes and preferences of individuals.  structure and the envelope allows for extensive personalisation and replacement of
            From this idea the design of Cubomagico                                                      the cladding. The room-in-room furni-
            240, the Magic Cube, emerged. It is a                                                        ture can thus be adapted to the stylistic
            model that is variable in all its parts, de-                                                 preferences or even the respective CI re-
            signed for the increasingly dynamic, in-  „Today a free and fluid space                      quirements of the users. So-called kraft
            formal and multifunctional approach to  is defined as the condition not only to match        paper  from  Staygreen  is  used  as  the
            work. Once it has been unfolded, its ele-                                                    "supporting material" for the shell and
            ments define a kind of landscape that the new technological society but at the same          as  the  base  material  for  chairs,  arm-
            provides a wide range of different functi-  time as a potentially creative condition in the  chairs and stools and also for the pull-
            ons  and  possible  uses,  which  can  be                                                    out meeting counter. The cardboard ma-
            spontaneously and sensitively adapted  search of permanent innovation.“                      terial is suitable not only because of its
            to  the  respective  requirements.  Three                                                    low weight and good acoustic proper-
            types of rooms are created: static ones,            Alfonso Femia                            ties,  but  also  because  of  its  texture,
            dynamic and sociable ones, and those                                                         which gives it its specific aesthetic qua-
            that encourage creativity. In this way the                                                   lities.  However,  it  is  also  conceivable
            furniture is able to react to current needs and the identity of its respective users. The  and possible to use any other material — from wood and metal to the almost infinite
            difference to other workplace furniture lies in the consideration of the fourth dimen-  variety of surface finishes offered by modern wood-based materials. Cubomagico is
            sion: time — in the sense of change and adaptation. The temporal dimension is the  thus a highly variable element that can change its shape at any time to meet indivi-
            basic element that defines and distinguishes Cubomagico from other spatial soluti-  dual needs, even as they continually change over the course of time. In the metamor-
            ons! From a formal point of view, Cubomagico is a cube with an edge length of ex-  phosis of its form and its relationship to the surrounding space, it almost seems to
            actly 240 centimetres, which can be opened up or — more precisely — unfolded with  be alive. It resembles a living creature capable of adapting to constantly changing en-
            the help of various folding and sliding mechanisms. The manageable dimensions of  vironmental conditions, and it changes its appearance according to the specific re-
            the furniture allow it to be set up in almost any environment or space. The core ele-  quirements of the users, their number, their desired form of work, the need for formal
            ment is a small meeting room with IT equipment. In addition, there are tables in va-  or informal communication. Cubomagico thus changes our perception and expands
            rious standard heights and a large table for short stand-up meetings. Fully extended  our idea of what space is or can be.

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