Page 31 - AIT0924_E-Paper
P. 31

Lines of Flight
                                                                            von • by Numen / For Use mit Ivana Jonke

                                                                          Imagine  walking through a seventeenth-century palazzo and

                                                                          suddenly finding yourself floating in a gigantic spider’s web from

                                                                          which you experience the historical ambience from a completely

                                                                          new perspective. As a visitor to this year’s Milan Design Week,

                                                                          the  idea  may  not  sound  all  that  strange  to  you...  As  part  of

                                                                          Fuorisalone 2024, the Croatian-Austrian collective Numen / For

                                                                          Use developed the “Lines of Flight” installation for Porsche in

                                                                          creative collaboration with architect Ivana Jonke: a temporary

                                                                          construction made of metal tubes in the courtyard of Palazzo
                                                                          Clerici,  painted  in  black  or  white  and  covered  with  similarly

                                                                          coloured safety nets. As part of the opening celebration, Dutch

                                                                          choreographers  Imre  and  Marne  van  Opstal  put  on  a  dance

                                                                          performance that demonstrated the versatility of the structure.

                                                                          The nets react to the movements, adapt to the body and demand

                                                                          special interaction. The transparency of the meshed structure

                                                                          allows the audience to view the performance from almost every

                                                                          angle.  In  addition,  by  looking  right  through  it,  the  space  still

                                                                          remains easily comprehensible – as long as it is viewed from

                                                                          the ground! The experience becomes even more wondrous when

                                                                          brave  visitors  dare  to  step  onto  the  climbing  scaffold.  From

                                                                          there, surreal perspectives and a new kind of spatial perception

                                                                          can be experienced. The strong contrast between the black and

                                                                          white areas and the geometric arrangement create various visual

                                                                          impressions such as the dazzle effect and moiré patterns with

                                                                          a dynamic visual impact. The designers Sven Jonke, Christoph

                                                                          Katzler and Nikola Radeljkovic from Numen / For Use consider

                                                                          their works as experimental pieces of public furniture.
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