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Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema
             auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3. Januar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur
             in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an ihrem
             ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.

             Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific theme
             in their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969 in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture in Aachen
             and film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart. They started working on their first joint motion picture “Oi!
             Warning“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and cinema film projects.

             I  t stank of dust, of damp brickwork, of diesel oil and sweetly of fermented fruit. On  tempt, certificate from the technical inspection as well. A former fellow student, the
               sheet-metal shelves below a narrow, barred window, the contents of dusty preser-
                                                                           “star” of year already at the acting academy, had built an ambitious house for himself
             ving jars were waiting for the day when they might yet be eaten. Orderly arranged in  and his young family at the edge of the forests around Potsdam. He was interested in
             a row, they stood there, with glued-on, hand-written labels: quinces, gooseberries, el-  the 1970s (which was also noticeable in the house) and vintage cars from years. He
             derberries. “We went in it all the way to Lake Garda and to Lago Maggiore. I always  was the first I was going to visit and I took off in a thick flurry of snow. Oh, that road
             slept in the back, that was really comfy, like a small sofa.” She sounded deliberately  right across the forest had not even been there yet in summer. What a wonderful short-
             cheerful, took a step forward, opened the garage door all the way. It grated. “Serviced  cut! But the road became curvy and hilly and suddenly there were even trees standing
             in the repair shop every year, tip top.” She had already switched to the sales text of  in the way. Then a ditch, a bang and in front of me the busy traffic of a federal road.
             classified ads, removed the tarpaulin, transparent, like old raincoats. Dust swirled  Only at full throttle did I make it into a gap. Now the car sounded like a tank. “Wow,
             against the light. “Oh, wow!” I exclaimed, almost too early. The old limousine looked  Paul Bracq must have designed this, a typical example of an angular car design”, my
             enormous and of the past, noble even. The clear, compact shape, the vintage radiator  actor colleague pretended to be an expert. He also looked underneath the car. “Hm,
             grille with its silvery, arrogant star. “A 200 model, dash eight, built in 71, painted bur-  your exhaust pipe is missing. Did you take the shortcut through the wood? That is only
             gundy-red and ivory”, she explained. “The dash eight, my dad always said. And my  open in winter, for snowploughs.” He grinned. “But great wheels, if you ever want to
             mother: the red-white one. And our neighbours: the farmers’ Benz.” And she smiled.  get rid of it, you know where I live.” He grinned, even more as if he were on stage.
             “I never drove it myself, only my mother, even when she was over 80, until two years  “No, I will keep it, such a stroke of luck only happens once!” And I defiantly stepped
             ago.” She fished a bunch of keys out of the pocket of her trousers, kept quiet for a mo-  on the gas with the droning of a tank. However, after various trips on the autobahn as
             ment. “Now she is in a nursing home.” With a jolt, she handed me the key. “One has  a moving yet rather crawling traffic obstruction (at a maximum of 80 kilometres per
             to preglow it somehow, there at the side, it is a knob-                            hour), after hundreds of (unsuccessful) manoeuvres to
             like lever.” I turned the key, opened the driver’s door, it                        fit into a parking spot in the city centre with the battle-
             creaked like the planks of an aged sailing boat. Heat en-                          ship, after innumerable (failed) attempts to start the car
             veloped me, the smell of a taxi, of synthetic leather, hea-                        on icy winter mornings, I put the sunglasses, the hat and
             ted plastic fittings, cigarettes burnt-out long ago. I pulled                      the papers back into the glove compartment and sold
             the lever, waited and turned the key. Nothing. Not even                            the “red and white” to my former fellow student who
             a trembling. “One has to keep it pulled for longer, until                          had already longingly enquired about the “Paul Bracq”
             a kind of a wire starts glowing there, turn the key only                           model. Driven by unrest, not curiosity, I called him a
             then.” VROOM! The middle-aged woman, dressed in her                                few weeks later: Yes, the car drove quite excellently, he
             respectably trouser suit probably chosen specifically for                          declared, but on the occasion of an interview for his
             this sales day, took a surprised step back. The diesel                             next engagement, meeting one of the strictest and most
             was knocking loudly. “You see, it means well with you.”                            modern producers, the vehicle had left pitch-black oil
             Her facial features relaxed, she appeared to be relieved,                          stains right in front of the man’s architectural-monu-
             suddenly everything happened very fast. “So? Will you                              ment theatre. Yes, yes, the oil pan... The famous theatre
             take it?” One has to negotiate, I thought, that is how it  Foto: Benjamin Reding   maker had been, how could it be any different, “not
             has to be done. “One thousand and eight hundred,                                   amused”. But he had still succeeded in getting the en-
             yes?” But she did not negotiate, she nodded. “The pa-                              gagement. “Man, you have been lucky after all”, I heard
             pers are in the glove compartment.” I gave her the money, she pocketed it without re-  myself say.” “Oh well”, he had sold the car afterwards, to a mate in London, but with
             counting it. “A nice car”, I added and she said: “Yes, it will bring you luck, definitely  the “fat thing” he had been unable to cope with the left-hand traffic and, after several
             it will!” She waved farewell when I left. The vintage car drove a bit slowly, a bit diffi-  fender benders, he had returned the car to him, free of charge. “Now I am driving it
             cult in its gears, but also majestically, a self-confident automobile, not a cowering, fa-  again and it is slowly starting to really be fun.” I myself, for a long time already the
             celess wind-channel flounder. I cranked the sunroof to one side, flipped a small vent  driver of a despicable small car, rested assured. Until I happened to meet to meet him
             window towards the outside, pressed a button here and there and there as well and  at an opening in the Gorki Theatre. Not on stage. In the foyer, he was limping towards
             opened the glove compartment: car papers in yellow plastic foil, a manual from 1971  me, his head and arm heavily bandaged. He answered my question before I asked it:
             and further back a hat and a pair of sunglasses made of plastic, no doubt both of the  “Yes, I had an accident.” My mouth became dry, my voice raspy: “But not with the …
             previous owner. Should I take that back? But I put on the hat and the sunglasses my-  ?” “Yes, exactly with the vintage car. An accident on the autobahn. A write-off.” Now,
             self: The world in front of the wide windscreen now looked like in a gangster film from  at long last, I could not hold back. I said, no, I shouted: “Man, what damned, rotten
             the 1960s: sepia-toned and slightly blurry. And I was the protagonist! The cool secret  bad luck you have had with that lousy, stupid old banger! “Not true.” He said it calmly,
             agent from Alphaville, the burglar who planned everything perfectly and failed all the  almost cheerfully. “You don’t think so?” “No, I have been lucky. I lost consciousness
             same from Elevator to the Gallows, the smart paparazzo from La dolce vita. I whoo-  while driving, had been stung by a wasp, circulatory collapse, an allergic shock. I just
             ped! At the first crossing in the city centre, the engine started to sputter; in the street  managed to get to the crash barrier and then rolled to a stop on the hard shoulder,
             in front of my flat, it went out. But the house was located on a downwards slope, my  quite like in a film.” He gave a dry laugh. “But if it had happened near home, without
             sheet-metal battleship rolled the last metres to the front door. “Wow, I have been  the autobahn emergency doctor, then I probably would have …” He looked at me.
             lucky for once.” I sighed quietly. Winter arrived early that year and, after a third at-  “Your ancient car has saved my life.” And he put his arms around me.

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