Page 113 - AIT0922_E-Paper
P. 113

Entwurf • Design A.P.O., ES-Barcelona
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Sivasdescalzo, ES-Barcelona
                                                                                     Standort • Location Calle Bailén 18, ES-Barcelona
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 280 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos José Hevia, ES-Barcelona
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 150

                                                                                     SNEAKER STORE

                                                                                     IN BARCELONA

                                                                                     The new Sivasdescalzo store in Barcelona has a sacral
                                                                                     and also a cool look. With it, the A.P.O. design agency
                                                                                     around Antoni Pallejà gives the sneakers fan community
                                                                                     around the world an on-site venue to touch and pay ho-
                                                                                     mage to the objects. The name of the store, Si vas des-
                                                                                     calzo – meaning “If you go barefoot” in English – contains
                                                                                     the design philosophy: pure, human and sensuous.

                                                                                     T   he sequence of the rooms and the materials that have been used
                                                                                         succeed in emanating an almost sacred aura which is, however,
                                                                                     entirely anchored in the here and now, in the street, in streetwear, as it
                                                                                     were. The industrial appearance of the two-storey envelope of the exi-
                                                                                     sting building makes the design look down-to-earth. Layer by layer,
                                                                                     something new and surprising is added to the background level consi-
                                                                                     sting of bricks. Inside, the room levels dissolve into individual furniture
                                                                                     objects. Reposing cubes of terrazzo are surrounded by mobile stainless
                                                                                     steel and glass shelves. The spatial dynamism of the interior design is
                                                                                     focussed on a nine-metres high patio that has been lined with greenish
                                                                                     marble. The lighting design and reflections make the sneakers fans glide
                                                                                     through a kind of temple while, from the corners of his eyes, they keep
                                                                                     being magically attracted by the light-flooded exterior space opened to-
                                                                                     wards the top. The brand – situated between elegance and coolness – is
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  also reflected in the composition of materials rich in contrast. Like my-
                                                                                     sterious side aisles of a church nave, the storage rooms – concealed be-
                                                                                     hind mirrored black surfaces – border the “holy” main hall. Notwith-
                                                                                     standing all the festive “ceremony”, the design always remains closely
                                                                                     oriented on the clientele, the fan community – on the haptics and the
                                                                                     sensuous experience provided. The store is thus not only designed as a
                                                                                     sales room but also intended as a bar and a party venue as well as a
                                                                                     meeting point for the sneakers community. Conciliatory and harmo-
                                                                                     nious, a space has been produced that welcomes and unites followers
                                                                                     from all over the globe. Opposites are dissolved; cold, industrial mate-
                                                                                     rials forge a warm partnership with hand-made surfaces. One may find
                                                                                     it bewildering that a pair of shoes is turned into a cult object – but here,
                                                                                     in this temple of the world of sneakers and streetwear, one is allowed
                                                                                     to feel understood. Even though the main room is located on the lower
                                                                                     level, it feels real and ideological in the open space, provided that one
                                                                                     has at least brought the small purse along. All this is held together and
                                                                                     protected by a glittering luminous ceiling with the scenery moving bet-
             Schnitt • Section                                                       ween diffuse, dreamlike light and well-positioned light accents.

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