Page 107 - AIT0918_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Storagemilano, IT-Mailand
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Bally
                                                                                        Standort • Location Viale Piave 41, IT-Mailand
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 836 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Alberto Strada, IT-Mailand
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 160

                                                                                        BALLY SHOWROOM

                                                                                        IN MILAN

                                                                                        Those who have a name in the fashion industry receive
                               „Ziel war es, die Tradition der                          their purchasing agents in the fashion metropolis of
                           Luxusmarke bis in die Gegenwart zu                           Milan. So does Bally, a company with a long tradition.
                                                                                        In the historic Kursaal Diana building, Storagemilano
                           erzählen und dabei den Charme des                            pay tribute to the label's Swiss origins with a high-qua-
                                                                                        lity and simple yet suspenseful design and let the stage
                             historischen Ortes zu bewahren.“                           of the former theatre shine in new splendour.

                                                                                        F  ounded in 1851, the Swiss luxury label Bally has always relied on
                                                                                           cooperation  with contemporary and famous representatives of
                                                                                        architecture for the design of its prestigious branch stores. Robert
                                                                                        Mallet-Stevens, for example, designed the Paris flagship store in 1929.
                                                                                        Interior designer Andrée Putman was responsible for the renovation of
                                                                                        the Zurich branch in 1995 and currently, the company's stores are char-
                                                                                        acterised by the style of David Chipperfield. A new showroom for pur-
                                                                                        chasing agents was recently opened in Milan. Next season's fashion
                                                                                        creations are presented on 836 square metres.  The  venue is the
                                                                                        Kursaal Diana,  which  was built in Art Nouveau style by Achille
                                                                                        Manfredini in 1908. Until 1925, the prominent corner building in the
                                                                                        Porta Venezia district was used as a theatre and then served as a cin-
                                                                                        ema until it was closed in 1989. Today, the magnificent foyer is visible
                                                                                        from afar thanks to frameless  windows. In the dome, a chandelier
                                                                                        made from the Bally logo is an impressive reminder of the new occu-
                                                                                        pant. Underneath, massive red marble blocks – one as seating furni-
                                                                                        ture, one as reception counter – bear witness to the company's quality
                                                                                        awareness. The architects at Storagemilano Michele Pasini, Barbara
                                                                                        Ghidoni and Marco Donatir gave the walls a uniform white coat of
                                                                                        paint under which the materiality of the existing building can still be
                                                                                        easily recognised, thus subtly merging past and present. In the newly
                                                                                        installed synthetic resin floor, round brass inserts trace the octagonal
                                                                                        shape of the historic ceiling vault. Three portals with rotating brass
                                                                                        doors mark the entrance to the brand world. Here, multifunctionality
                Grundriss • Floor Plan                                                  is the motto. While the lower entrance area, cast in concrete, creates
                                                                                        an intimate atmosphere, the former theatre hall becomes an imposing
                                                                                        stage. Daylight enters through arched windows in the upper third of
                                                                                        the nine-metre high walls painted bright white. The centre is a mobile
                                                                                        staircase sculpture made of black fibre cement panels, which is used
                                                                                        for the presentation of shoes as Bally's core competence. In combina-
                                                                                        tion with flexible furniture and classic chairs by wellknown architect
                Schnitt • Section                                                       Jean Prouvé, ever new scenes are created in the showroom.

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