Page 45 - AIT0916_E-Paper
P. 45

                                                                                 aus dem Buch „Tapetenwechsel“

                                                                                 illustriert von Gemma Latimer &
                                                                                 Jessica Stokes

                                                                              The history of the wallpaper as we know it today is inextricably linked

                                                                              with the formation and development of paper production as well as

                                                                              printing technologies.  The first  wallpapers  were single sheets of

                                                                              “waste paper”, which were printed with ornamentation using wooden

                                                                              printing plates. In order to cover whole walls these single sheets had

                                                                              to be composed. In the 17th century, the first wallpapers as rolled

                                                                              material were available. They consisted of twelve single sheets, which

                                                                              were glued together after printing and were about ten metres long –

                                                                              until this day, this is the standard length of a wallpaper roll. It took

                                                                              almost one century until the technology  was advanced enough to

                                                                              print rolls after the gluing of the sheets of paper. This was a milestone

                                                                              in the history of wallpaper, because now it was possible to produce
                                                                              much larger patterns than on single sheets. While earlier decors were

                                                                              mainly modelled on the surface textures of wood, marble or textiles,

                                                                              completely new patterns  were now introduced to the market. The

                                                                              book “Tapetenwechsel” now invites to a survey of the 20 epochs of

                                                                              the most multifarious history of the wallpaper that has been written

                                                                              so far. Using typical stylistic elements of the single epochs, we have

                                                                              designed completely new decors.  You  will, however, define the

                                                                              colouration. Furthermore,  we show original collages to present the

                                                                              wallpaper in the spatial context with characteristic furniture of the

                                                                              respective era. Enjoy colouring in!

                                                                                                    ... from the foreword by Natalia Price-Cabrera

                                                                                                             Tapetenwechsel: Das Ausmalbuch
                                                                                                             Edited by Natalia Price-Cabrera. With illustrations by Gem ma
                                                                                                             Latimer and Jessica Stokes. Published in 2016 by the publi-
                                                                                                             shing house DVA Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Munich. German.
                                                                                                             Softcover. 96 pages. Format 25.1 x 25.5 cm. 14.99 EUR.
                                                                                                             ISBN 978-3-42104-032-9
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