Page 83 - AIT0720_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design gon-architects + Ana Torres, ES-Madrid
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Carlos de Vega, ES-Madrid
                                                                                     Standort • Location Calle Espíritu Santo 33,  ES-Madrid
                                                                                     Wohnfläche • Living space 124 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Imagen Subliminal, ES-Madrid
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                     BACHELOR APARTMENT

                                                                                     IN MADRID

                                                                                     Rebellious, diverse and creative are attributes that are
                                                                                     willingly associated with the Malasaña district in Ma-
                                                                                     drid. The atmosphere of the trendy quarter was the star-
                                                                                     ting point for the architects Gonzalo Pardo and Ana Tor-
                                                                                     res to realize a colourful apartment conversion in a
                                                                                     dense city location, which in its unconventional way is
             Schnitt • Section
                                                                                     perfectly tailored to the client's personality!

                                                                                     F  velopment, alternating sandstone façades and French balconies, it
                                                                                        rom the street, which is characterised by a small-scale perimeter de-
                                                                                     is almost impossible to imagine the loft character of the newly designed
                                                                                     124-square-metre apartment on the third. What one would actually ex-
                                                                                     pect behind the typical Madrid façade is a multitude of small rooms,
                                                                                     which often only receive daylight from narrow and high inner courtyards
                                                                                     and are lined up along a dark and winding corridor. Thus, by Madrid
                                                                                     standards, the bright and open-plan apartment, in which all areas of
                                                                                     life—from the spacious living room, to the dining and guest room, the kit-
                                              „Nach der Ent kernung der              chen and bathroom, through to the bedroom and dressing room—are se-
                                                 Wohnung wurde das                   amlessly connected, is quite an exception. This is exactly what the client
                                                                                     wanted when he commissioned the architects Gonzalo Pardo from gon-
                                             entstandene Kontinuum mit               architects and Ana Torres to carry out the conversion. The client is a ba-
                                           Sequenzen und Szeno graphien              chelor and evidently not interested in traditional family planning. What
                                                                                     he envisioned instead was a flowing sequence of bright rooms with op-
                                                  des Lebens gefüllt.“               portunities for development. This was no uncomplicated undertaking!
                                                                                     The architect duo had the existing, small-scale apartment almost com-
                                                      gon-architects                 pletely gutted. Load-bearing walls were supported and wooden columns
                                                                                     formerly embedded in the walls were reinforced with new steel structu-
                                                                                     res. In this way, Pardo and Torres opened up the apartment across its en-
                                                                                     tire depth of 21 metres. They then filled the resulting spatial continuum
                                                                                     with "sequences and scenographies of life", as they described it them-
                                                                                     selves—with open-plan areas for relaxing and entertaining, working, ea-
                                                                                     ting, cooking and sleeping. Colour fields ingeniously applied throughout
                                                                                     the apartment underline the individual "scenes". Moreover, the coloured
                                                                                     areas deliberately extend across corners and edges of the room and
                                                                                     thus—together with mirror elements and mirror surfaces—cover up the
                                                                                     boundaries between the individual areas of life. Even the most conven-
                                                                                     tional of all dividing lines, which for example separates a "public" hall-
                                                                                     way from a "private" bathroom, is intentionally counteracted by semi-
                                                                                     transparent glass walls. Only concealed sliding elements—for example
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  those used to separate the guest room—provide some privacy if required.

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