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Entwurf • Design Design in Architektur, Darmstadt
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Morgenmuffelbande, Hamburg
                                                                                     Standort • Location Hamburg-Eppendorf
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 140 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Nina Struve, Hamburg
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 142

                                                                                     CAFÉ MORGENMUFFEL

                                                                                     IN HAMBURG

                                                                                     Bagel in bed and lemonade in the circus? That’s how the
                                                                                     day starts at the new The Morgenmuffel café in Hamburg-
                                                                                     Eppendorf. The uplifting interior comes from Design in
                                                                                     Architektur from Darmstadt: with a lot of wit and colour,
                                                                                     the creative team transformed a dusty shop into a cheer-
                                                                                     ful land of milk and honey. Now every room has its own
                                                                                     story – and a very special place to sprawl or lie down.

                                                                                     S   ince its opening in spring 2023, The Morgenmuffel, Eppendorf’s
                                                                                         new  and  already  often  instagrammed  “it”  place  for  breakfast
                                                                                     lovers, has been full of attractive morning crouches, as the café’s name
                                                                                     translates into English. But the interior design is also worth seeing – and
                                                                                     very invigorating indeed! At the request of the clients, the team around
                                                                                     Bianca Lautenschläger-Haerlin and Ingo Haerlin developed a colourful
                                                                                     concept that matches the gay fusion kitchen and emphasizes the hete-
                                                                                     rogeneity of the room layouts of a corner pub built in 1895. The historic
                                                                                     structure with its varying floor levels practically invited to design each
                                                                                     of the five rooms as an individual scene. The first room is an open salon
                                                                                     with a central counter in the entrance area where a mixture of dark-
                                                                                     green felt wool, wickerwork and brass produces a dignified coffee-house
                                                                                     atmosphere. Elevated by a mezzanine and somewhat hidden from view
                                                                                     is the quaint circus room – a private room that is immersed in berry co-
                                                                                     lours and equipped with tinted mirrors and with ring-shaped lights han-
                                                                                     ging from the ceiling like gymnastic apparatuses. The graded shades of
                                                                                     red of the bentwood chairs placed here are colour quotes from the exo-
                                                                                     tic wallpaper decorated with wild animals. The centre and the oasis of
                                                                                     tranquillity of the restaurant, which is open all day, is a “blue salon”
                                                                                     with the calming effect of monochrome furnishings in indigo shades and
                                                                                     with velvet surfaces. Behind it, things get really colourful once again: in
                                                                                     front of the windows of a diagonal connecting room is a blue-tiled plat-
                                                                                     form that reminds of a large bathtub. Thanks to the lemon-yellow uphol-
                                                                                     stery, breakfast can be taken lying down on it, with round shelves in si-
                                                                                     gnal red serving as bedside tables. Those who are not yet chirpy move
                                                                                     to the largest and airiest of the five breakfast rooms. Here, narrow ben-
                                                                                     ches with integrated coffee tables offer a place even for guests in a hurry.
                                                                                     The round window shape is repeated in the furniture and the delicate
                                                                                     wall relief. The ceiling and some of the details are accentuated with such
                                                                                     sugary colours that you almost become a muffin yourself ... Appetizing,
                                                                                     varied and amusing – such a charming interior design even manages to
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  shake up Hamburg’s somewhat sleepy café culture.

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