Page 73 - AIT0619_E-Paper
P. 73

Dominik & Benjamin Reding

                                     Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden
                                     die Zwillinge am 3. Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997
                                     begann die Arbeit an ihrem ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.

                T   he following essay isn’t an essay; it’s a story, a real story, almost a fairy-tale. And  orange juice sip by sip as if he were doing it for the first time.  My parents no doubt
                    it is not about well-designed restaurants or fashionable bars or the latest hotels,
                                                                              asked him something, where he came from, what his name was, but I do not remem-
                not even about a snack bar, couch surfing or the design of a beer mat and yet the story  ber his answers only his attentive, if one wants to be very precise, tense face. He didn’t
                completely belongs here, in this AIT edition on the topic of bars, hotels, restaurants.  say a lot, talking seemed to be awkward for him, he preferred to look at us, ate small
                The story takes place in the past. No, not at the banquet table of High Renaissance  morsels of cake and listened to us three children talking happily and excitedly. The
                and neither in front of the mountains of cakes in the mirror hall of Versailles. It takes  sky became overcast, light grey turned into dark grey. Mother cleared the table, father
                place in 1972 in an estate of terraced houses on the periphery of an industrial city. It  folded the newspaper, the tension vanished, the visitor who, as it seemed, had no
                was a Sunday, in late summer, the sky at midday sunny, blue and without any clouds.  time pressure and no place to be and just stayed, had lost his importance. Dad teles-
                We, meaning the R. family, consisting of Dad, Mom and my two brothers, the big one,  coped the antenna of the transistor radio and suggested to us to show the boy “to end
                who was incredibly old, already seven, and my twin brother, four years old, and my-  the visit” our “children’s vegetable patches” behind the wall of the house. The newly
                self. We had not, as usually was the case each Sunday, gone to Schuckert. Not to this  planted vegetable patches were small but a lot was growing on my big brother’s
                simple restaurant which was actually a pub and where the old miners were coughing  square: parsley, tomato plants and also a little birch tree he had put there in the
                and drinking at the high, tables studded with nails but to the back room with flowery  spring. We, the twins, showed our patches where, to tell the truth, nothing but weeds
                wallpaper, silver cutlery and white tablecloths pretending to be a real restaurant. But  were growing, and explained, not without some pride, what all we had planted there
                we didn’t go there that day, we stayed at home. In our end-terrace house with grey  and was soon going to grow. The boy listened in silence, a bit more serious than be-
                glass plaster (if you touched it too hard, you cut yourself), large windows towards the  fore, a bit more restless, as well. (But maybe memory fails me here and only wants to
                garden, a terrace of concrete slabs and a wooden lattice fence. And because we had  announce what in reality couldn’t be felt). Then my big brother pointed to the young
                eaten at home, with folded napkins and a clay                                           birch tree and explained, calmly and in a
                pot and ice cream for us and Moselle wine for                                           friendly way, how he had first dug up the soil,
                the parents, my father was now sitting on the                                           then fertilized it and that birches needed quite
                terrace in the garden chair (with yellow rubber                                         a large amount of water and that he was there-
                bands), under the parasol (red,  with  white                                            fore watering it twice every day, in the morning
                dots), reading the newspaper (the thick Sun-                                            and in the afternoon. And we listened, impres-
                day newspaper), listening to the radio (a sil-                                          sed by his knowledge. The boy of the same age
                very transistor radio) and mother brought                                               and the same size was also listening without
                (using the good dishes) orange juice and rhu-                                           interrupting him. Then the boy quietly raised
                barb cake outside. And we children were sit-                                            his hand, took a step towards my big brother
                ting there as well, talking, eating, drinking,                                          and pressed his hand against his throat. My
                laughing and playing with the lemon-yellow                                              brother stumbled backwards, across the vege-
                inflatable ball. The details are important, they                                        table patch and was now standing with his
                are the thumbtacks between which memory is                                              back against glass-plaster wall. The boy pres-
                stretched. Then, the sun disappeared behind                                             sed, hard, incessantly. He didn’t look even
                thin clouds, the sky turned grey, there was this                                        nasty while doing it or angry or full of hate but
                boy standing behind the wooden lattice fence.                                           serious, with a firm intention. He cut his air off
                His hair correctly combed, his arms akimbo,                                             until my big brother turned blue in the face and
                he was looking at us. He saw how we were                                                his arms went limp. My twin brother and I
                nibbling at our cake, drinking orange juice,                                            were just standing there, at first insecure, then
                how mother brought more pieces of cake, fat-  Grafik: Benjamin Reding                   frightened then rigid with panic because we
                her explained articles in the newspaper to his                                          started to understand, with the brutality of a
                sons, especially his eldest one since he al-                                            realization, like a kick, that the boy was surely
                ready went to school, after all. He saw how we were laughing and joking and playing  going to kill my big brother. “Let him go!” Not I, my twin brother took action. He raised
                with the inflatable ball which ended up rolling close to the fence and we thus disco-  his little fists and pummelled the back of boy who was choking my brother, full of
                vered the boy. He was maybe seven or already eight but certainly not older because  wild, childlike anger. Then the boy actually let go. For another brief moment, he was
                he was not taller than my big brother. He was wearing a pair of short trousers, as did  still standing there as if reflecting, as if coming up from the bottom of a deep black
                almost all the seven-year-old boys at the time, a velour sweater and a little blue jacket  lake, then he ran off. Now my father also came, saw my big brother marked by the
                with a zipper as did almost all the children at the time. “Come on in!” My father called  violence, the being choked, and furiously ran in pursuit of the boy. But, although the
                to the boy with a generous, inviting gesture to join us and sit with us at the table, to  estate of terraced houses was only small and we knew the people there, he didn’t find
                share the cake and the orange juice. And for a short moment, no longer than it took  the boy anymore. Never again, since he never showed up again. We kept his little blue
                to say the words “Come on in!”, it seemed to me as if my father was hesitating, as if  jacket for another two years – until we moved, then mother threw it out. And now it
                it was an effort for him, as if he wasn’t sure what he was doing. The boy kept quiet,  happens to me sometimes when I am sitting in a restaurant, a bar, a hotel and the
                stood there without moving. And as if to reinforce, to confirm the decision, my father  wine is good and the food excellent and the room is warm and clean and I look out
                now explained to the boy how he had to walk around the house to get into our gar-  the windows into the street and watch the people walk by in their jackets and coats
                den. The boy disappeared and we, even somewhat tense, were waiting for him to  that I start to be afraid. Among the people out there, that boy could be, discover me
                come around the corner and he also did so. A bit insecure but full of purpose all the  behind the window and come inside, grab me and shake me and ask for his little jak-
                same, he approached the table, sat down on the free garden chair, took off his little  ket back and for cake and juice and the whole domestic happiness on a Sunday. But
                jacket, hung it neatly over the backrest, took a glass in both his hands and drank the  that is completely impossible, after all, that would be crazy, wouldn’t it?

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