Page 49 - AIT0617_E-Paper
P. 49

Konkrete Kunst –
                                                                                 Komposition N° IX

                                                                                 von Karl Navky, Püttlingen

                                                                              My paintings are not abstract but  very concrete in the undi-

                                                                              lutable laws of geometry and mathematics. They are Concrete Art

                                                                              as the Dutchman Theo van Doesburg first defined it on the occa-

                                                                              sion of founding the Art Concret group. Concrete Art is distinct

                                                                              from abstract art and constructivism due to its scientific thinking.

                                                                              This means the exploration of geometric laws and the concentra-

                                                                              tion on the interplay of form and colour. Artists such as Kasimir

                                                                              Malevitch, Piet Mondrian, Josef Albers, Max Bill or Johannes Itten

                                                                              significantly influenced Concrete Art with their works.

                                                                              As a former architect, this art movement always fascinated me

                                                                              due to its close connection to the disciplined planning and cre-

                                                                              ativity of my profession. This enthusiasm began when, during my

                                                                              studies of architecture at the Werkkunstschule des Saarlandes

                                                                              (today: Hochschule der bildenden Künste Saar), I at times wan-
                                                                              dered into the master class of Professor Boris Kleint. Previously, I

                                                                              had already completed with Professor Oskar Holweck the basic

                                                                              studies oriented on the Bauhaus. At the time of my studies, the

                                                                              Staatliche  Werkkunstschule  Saarbrücken  was  an  attempt  to

                                                                              implement the Bauhaus ideas in a provincial setting. That the

                                                                              attempt was relatively successful was above all owed to some

                                                                              distinguised Bauhaus master students such as Boris Kleint, the

                                                                              former assistant of Johannes Itten.

                                                                              After a total of 45 years of professional activity, 36 of these as a

                                                                              freelancing architect, I am today very fortunate in being able to

                                                                              dedicate a major part of my time to my lasting fascination with

                                                                              Concrete Art.

                                                                                                                Karl Navky, Püttlingen 2017
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