Page 69 - AIT0520_E-Paper
P. 69

Entwurf • Design ZMIK, CH-Basel
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Erziehungsdepartement, CH-Basel
                                                                                     Standort • Location Spitalstraße 50, CH-Basel
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 400 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Weisswert, CH-Basel
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 128

                                                                                     ST JOHANN PRIMARY

                                                                                     SCHOOL IN BASEL

                                                                                     Moving around made easy: St Johann primary school
                                                                                     had spacious hallways typical of old buildings – an un-
                                                                                     used potential now fully exploited thanks to the archi-
                                                                                     tects of ZMIK. Islands for learning and moving which
                                                                                     are intelligently and diversely designed support educa-
                                                                                     tion at many levels just as much as the pupils’ imagi-
                                                                                     nation, social competence and joy in moving around.

                                                                                     N   ot only reading, writing and arithmetic play an important role in
                                                                                         the St Johann primary school but also the formation of extracur-
                                                                                     ricular interests, establishing a community spirit and allowing ample
                                                                                     exercise. Not last due to this, learning in school is determined by the
                                                                                     concept of mobile teaching. The goal is to further the children’s capa-
                                                                                     city to concentrate and their motor skills thanks to a dynamic alter-
                                                                                     nation of playful movement and quiet learning tasks. Tangible sup-
                                                                                     port in this was supplied by the planners and architects of ZMIK who
                                                                                     turned the school building constructed in the late 19 century into a
             Isometrie • Isometry                                                    variety of learning landscapes. The new spatial structures divide the
                                                                                     hallways into transit zones with coat racks on the side of the class-
                                                                                     rooms and, on the side with the windows, into areas for learning, re-
                                                                                     sting and moving as well as free open spaces shielded by the stairca-
                                                                                     ses. On all of the three floors, the functional as well as design-specific
                                                                                     core element is a slatted construction consisting of oak and thus mat-
                                                                                     ching the flooring. The zigzag structure serves as the back wall of the
                                                                                     coat racks as well as fall-protection and visual boundary to the terra-
                                                                                     ced learning islands which are individually designed on each floor.
                                                                                     On different levels, the pupils are thus able to safely discover various
                                                                                     niches, caves and seating corners which are equally suited for lear-
                                                                                     ning and playing. Complementing the existing red wall panelling,
                                                                                     here linoleum flooring, carpeting and upholstered surfaces in shades
             Längsschnitt • Longitudinal section                                     of green and red produce a varied feel and look. Together with the
                                                                                     sound-absorbing lampshades, which have been specifically develo-
                                                                                     ped for the project, the installations furthermore achieve an impro-
                                                                                     vement of the acoustics in the wide hallways which increases the
                                                                                     comfort of spending time in the now more intensively used areas.
                                                                                     Breaks for moving around, some alternative teaching models and
                                                                                     support programmes for small groups of pupils are thus given spatial
                                                                                     options where the children feel comfortable and can consequently
                                                                                     decrease any inhibitions they may have and, at the same time, in-
             Querschnitte • Transverse sections                                      crease their motivation.

                                                                                                                           AIT 5.2020  •  069
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