Page 105 - AIT0520_E-Paper
P. 105

Entwurf • Design schleicher.ragaller architekten
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Kath. Stadtdekanat Stuttgart
                                                                                     Standort • Location Seidenstraße 39, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 1.180 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Zooey Braun, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 128

                                                                                     CHURCH ST FIDELIS

                                                                                     IN STUTTGART

                                                                                     More and more people are leaving the church, more
                                                                                     and more are in search of spirituality. St Fidelis in Stutt-
                                                                                     gart reacts to this with an open programme. Since De-
                                                                                     cember 2019, the almost 100 years old Catholic church
                                                                                     has also been a centre of spirituality and church music.
                                                                                     schleicher.ragaller architekten designed a place of si-
                                                                                     lence for believers and those looking for life’s meaning.

                                                                                     B   uses, suburban railways, cars – Seidenstrasse in the west of Stutt-
                                                                                         gart is characterized by traffic and noise. Yet amid the hectic ever-
                                                                                     yday  life,  St  Fidelis  offers  contemplative  quietness. The  Catholic
                                                                                     church was built in 1924/1925 according to plans by Clemens Hummel,
                                                                                     modelled on Italian basilicas and in a stylistic competition of histori-
                                                                                     cism and modernism. Destroyed down to the outer walls in 1944, the
                                                                                     house of God was reconstructed by Hugo Schlösser with a homogene-
                                                                                     ous interior regarding the colours. After the Second Vatican Council in
                                                                                     1964, Rudolf und Maria Schwarz newly oriented the church. After this
                                                                                     eventful history and the most recent renovation by schleicher.ragaller
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  architekten, St Fidelis has now come to rest for the time being. The as
                                                                                     subtle as ubiquitous feeling of soothing silence suddenly sets in. It is
                                                                                     the elimination of everything that is superfluous and the focus on all
                                                                                     that is necessary which dominates the three-nave church. The conti-
                                                                                     nuous Travertine floor and the unobtrusive wooden coffered ceiling
                                                                                     produce generous, homogeneous surfaces. The atmosphere is festi-
                                                                                     vely bright. The stained-glass windows created by Georg Meistermann
                                                                                     can now take effect just as much as his images of the Stations of the
                                                                                     Cross in the aisles. Inspired by Leo von Klenze, figures of saints and
                                                                                     votive candles come into their own on stone pedestals in concave ni-
                                                                                     ches. It was the late Maria Schwarz who, in personal conversations,
                                                                                     had encouraged the architects to implement the idea of communio.
                                                                                     This community spirit becomes manifest in the new seating arrange-
                                                                                     ment of St Fidelis. The ambo and the altar produce a longitudinal axis
                                                                                     in the central nave. Parallel to it, the faithful are sitting facing each
                                                                                     other during the service. In a fascinating way, the Stuttgart artist Mar-
                                                                                     tin Bruno Schmid developed the liturgical elements out of a single li-
                                                                                     mestone monolith. The architects integrated a room of silence into the
                                                                                     chancel. This wooden “inside chancel” illuminated from above is the
                                                                                     heart of the spiritual centre. Nothing distracts from one’s own self.
                                                                                     With six portal doors, this place of meditation and prayer can be ope-
             Längsschnitt • Longitudinal section                                     ned to the church hall. The rush of the street stays outside …

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