Page 126 - AIT0519_E-Paper
P. 126


                                                                               „Schönheit ist wie ein Ort, den man nicht

                                                                                          mehr verlassen möchte.“
                                                                                                  Anna Philipp

                                                                             haus in Augsburg, however, there is no way of not mentioning this detail. That is be-
                                                                             cause these profane places for human needs are designed in too unique a way here.
                                                                             While the entrance room of the WCs is designed in unobtrusive concrete grey and
                                                                             anthracite black, each individual cabin surprises the visitor with a colourful design
                                                                             full of humour. The latter ranges, for example, from the large eyes of a dairy cow to
                                                                             a camouflage pattern or Chinese propaganda posters all the way to a Renaissance
                                                                             painting. And this is why euphoric commentaries keep appearing on the social-
                                                                             media sites of the Gebetshaus which tell about impressive visual experiences on the
                                                                             toilets. The Gebetshaus in Augsburg is a uniquely designed microcosm whose viva-
                                                                             city is completely different from the expectations the visitor may have of how a mo-
                                                                             dern monastery should be. Anna Philipp herself describes the maxim of her designs
                                                                             as follows: “Beauty is like a place one never wants to leave again.” And just such a
                                                                             place has been created as the Gebetshaus in Augsburg.
               Auftakt in Anthrazit: Vorraum zu den Toiletten im UG  • Start in anthracite: entrance room to the toilets on the LL

               Die humorvolle, farbige Ausgestaltung der Toiletten  führt zu ... • The humorous, colourful design of the toilets ...   ... euphorischen Kommentaren in sozialen Medien. • ... leads to euphoric commentaries in the social media.

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