Page 56 - AIT0518_E-Paper
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                                                                             Entstehen sollte ein angenehm diffuses Licht, das seine Anwendung im Wohnbereich fin-
                                    FHNW                                     det. Den Aspekt der Mobi lität sehe ich in der Zweiteiligkeit meiner Leuchte. Sie tritt als
                                    Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, CH-Basel  Ganzes in Erscheinung und überrascht zugleich mit zwei eigenständigen Lichtquellen.
                                    7 Bachelorstudiengänge  1796 gegründet   Das heißt konkret, die Leuchte kann sowohl getrennt aus zwei Einzelstücken als auch
                                    4 Masterstudiengänge  750 Studierende    zusammengesetzt als einheitliches Licht funktionieren. Der obere Teil der Leuchte lässt
                                    10 Institute      sich abheben, der untere bleibt in seiner Position bestehen. Er ist nicht nur das Gegen -
                                                                             stück der mobilen Leuchte, sondern auch deren Energiequelle: Über eine Kontaktstelle in
                                                                             der Mitte wird der Akku geladen. So schafft meine Leuchte den Übergang zwischen
                                                                             Stand leuchte und mobilem Licht. Eine textile Lasche lädt zum Anfassen ein und somit
                                                                             zum Entdecken des mobilen Lichts. Es wandert durch die Räume, auf den Balkon oder
                                                                             in den Garten. Einzeln sorgen die beiden Leuchten für mehr Lichtdynamik im Wohn -
                                                                             raum, wieder zusammengefügt schmiegen sich die Formen ineinander und ergeben ein
                                                                             einheitliches Stimmungslicht. Vom 17. bis 22. April durften wir unsere Prototypen, die alle-
                                                                             samt eine eigene Sprache sprechen, beim Salone Satellite im Rahmen der Möbel messe
                                                                             Salone del Mobile in Mailand präsentieren. Dabei wurde die Vielfalt der Anwendung von
                                                                             mobilem Licht und den unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten zur Nutzung im Alltag beson-
                                                                             ders deutlich. Unser Projekt „Poetry of Light“ lädt dazu ein, sich inspirieren zu lassen und
                                                                             weiterzudenken – wie sieht Ihr mobiles Licht aus?

                                                                             M   obile light – a companion, an aid in everyday life, a way to more flexibility and
                                                                                 dynamicas in the room. The possibilities of using mobile light in a wide variety of
                                                                             areas are manifold. Since the beginning of time, man has made use of light for himself,
                                                                             from the torch to the lantern to the flashlight of today. But how do we as future designers
                                                                             interpret its use in a new way? How do we express our own ideas of what mobile light
                                                                             signifies? “A house is only habitable when it is full of light and air”, Le Corbusier already
                                                                             claimed. Taking up this idea, we first analysed the intimate connection between light and
                                                                             living. The potential of mobile light made us immerse ourselves in various topics of
                                                                             research: We studied situations during holidays, needs of senior citizens and possibilities
                                                                             in the work environment just as much as atmospheric light moods in living rooms. An
                                                                             autonomous conceptual idea for each theme was developed and elaborated. The only
                                                                             specification was the use of LEDs and the creation of prototypes. The focus was, however,
                                                                             not only on the technical application of the illuminant but also on the formal design.

                                                                             From the sketch to the prototype and to the exhibition

               Solas von • by David Bühlmann  Flessa von • by Maxine Dutli   The individual mentoring was provided by university associates Nicole Schneider (senior
                                                                             lecturer) and Professor Werner Baumhakl (Director of the Institute of Industrial Design).
               Leuchte von • by Lara Wschiansky
                                                                             In addition, we received important inputs and professional evaluation of our ideas from
                                                                             Andreas Richner (CEO, owner) and Pascal Amacker (Creative Director Design and
                                                                             Development) at the Ribag Licht AG luminaire manufacture. Subsequently, we put the
                                                                             mobile light into a context in order to analyse the needs of the users. When it came to
                                                                             the further development, the increasingly more flexible structures of living provided a lot
                                                                             of scope. There was an intense work process from the first idea to the final design. What
                                                                             was still missing was the final step: manufacturing a functioning prototype in the work-
                                                                             shops of the Academy. For this, we were strongly supported by the workshop manage-
                                                                             ment and by tutors. My idea is inspired by traditional Japanese lampions. I let myself be
                                                                             guided by their aesthetics as to form and by the atmospheric light. For me, this kind of
                                                                             light emanates a feeling of security and warmth. I integrated this warmth, this emotion
                                                                             in my concept and put the focus on the mood created by the light. What was to be pro-
                                                                             duced was a pleasantly diffuse light which can be used in the living area. I see the aspect
                                                                             of mobility in the fact that my luminaire has two parts. It has the appearance of a unit
                                                                             and, at the same time, surprises with two independent sources of light. This actually
                                                                             means that the luminaire can be used as two separate individual pieces as well as, put
                                                                             together, as a single source of light. The upper part of the luminaire can be removed
                                                                             while the lower part remains in its position. The latter is not only the counterpart of the
                                                                             mobile luminaire but also its source of energy: The battery is charged via a contact point
                                                                             in the middle. My luminaire thus accomplishes the transition between a stationary lamp
                                                                             and mobile light. A textile strap invites to touch it and thus to discover the mobile light.
                                                                             It moves through the rooms, onto the balcony or into the garden. Separately, the two
                                                                             luminaires make for more light dynamics in the living room; when put together again,
                                                                             the forms nestle into each other and produce a uniform mood light. From 17th to 22nd
                                                                             April, we were able to display our prototypes – which all speak their own language – at
                                                                             the Salone Satellite in the context of the Salone del Mobile furniture exhibition in Milan.

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