Page 31 - AIT0422_E-Paper
P. 31

Blues in the Night
                                                                             von • by Martin Reznik


                                                                           Something entirely different for a change: To present his furni-

                                                                           ture designs for the Knoll International and the Desalto brands

                                                                           in the social media, instead of using simple object photos as is

                                                                           customary, the British designer Marc Krusin had varied product

                                                                           illustrations produced. He commissioned the up-and-coming

                                                                           Polish graphic artist Martin Reznik, who drew several sequences

                                                                           of a crime noir comic for the campaign. We gladly present you a

                                                                           selection of these drawings in this edition of AIT. The iconic fur-

                                                                           niture designs by Krusin are cleverly used to carry an intriguing

                                                                           story: Whereas the Mini Clay Table (Desalto) serves to store an

                                                                           abandoned drink as well as a still smoky cigar, a deserted Krusin

                                                                           Lounge Chair (Knoll) raises a number of criminological ques-

                                                                           tions: Who had just recently been sitting here? Where and why

                                                                           may he or she have gone? The next scene – shown on the pages

                                                                           30/31 – also has a pair of glasses left behind on the dramatically

                                                                           truncated marble top of the Krusin Side Table by Knoll. Not until

                                                                           the final scene (p. 48/49) is the classic whodunit mystery derived

                                                                           from the thriller genre peppered with indications: A lonely man

                                                                           – a perpetrator? A witness? – lights a revealing cigar in the

                                                                           shadow of the subtly staged Knoll classic Pixel Y-Leg Table and

                                                                           the Krusin 016 Chair ... due to the striking imagery and the artis-
                                                                           tic drawing technique, Krusin’s furniture designs are cleverly set

                                                                           in the shady milieu of well-known French gangster films. Classics

                                                                           of the furniture industry here encounter classics of the world of

                                                                           film and comics. The artist has since received several awards for

                                                                           this imaginative and unconventional form of product staging,

                                                                           which can also be purchased in the form of high-quality prints

                                                                           via Reznik's website.
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