Page 77 - AIT0421_E-Paper
P. 77

Entwurf • Design Bauer+Pohl mit Sebastian Weindauer
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client DB Station & Service AG, Berlin
                                                                                     Standort • Location Europaplatz 2, Berlin
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 1.400 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Schmott Studios, Frankfurt am Main
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                     CO-WORKING-SPACE DB

                                                                                     EVERYWORKS IN BERLIN

             Noppenboden im Eingangsbereich, Blick auf den „glühenden“ Empfang • Studded floor in the entrance, the “glowing” reception

                                                                                     With “public transport” to work – this goes without say-
                                                                                     ing here. everyworks is the name of the young project by
                                                                                     Deutsche Bahn. On the tenth floor of the Berlin main rail-
                                                                                     way station, on 1,500 square metres, co-working spaces
                                                                                     and flexible office facilities have been opened – tempo-
                                                                                     rary workstations for individuals, groups or companies.
                                                                                     Online booking via app, billing precise to the minute.

                                                                                     R  eturn to the future. Trendy colours, bold patterns, daring combina-
                                                                                        tions – colourful, carefree, optimistic – this is how it looked, the uto-
                                                                                     pia for the time after the turn of the millennium which was freely lived
                                                                                     out in the pop culture of the 1980s and 1990s. The 21st century in fact
                                                                                     looks definitely far soberer, however – so far, anyway! Cloud Rap, Vapor-
                                                                                     wave and Synthwave are popular subgenres of pop music whose retro
                                                                                     sound aesthetics awaken nostalgic feelings in the listener. One is also
                                                                                     reminded of how cheerful and agile the future – or the present time, as
                                                                                     it were – can look by the architecture by David Bauer, Martin Pohl and
                                                                                     Sebastian Weindauer. The music genre and the interior design have
                                                                                     even more in common: The depths are open, extensive and slow; the
                                                                                     middle parts are synthetic, melodic and rhythmic; the heights are slen-
                                                                                     der, precise and fast. Away from the purist living-room look of which one
                                                                                     has definitely had enough during the long and repeated lockdowns.
                                                                                     everyworks not only represents the counter model to the classic office
                                                                                     but, in addition, also provides an attractive alternative to the home of-
                                                                                     fice. The changing work culture, in the wake of corona, has been reali-
                                                                                     zed and encouraged. The spatial start of the longitudinal layout is indi-
                                                                                     cated by the Welcome Area, with the welcome by the everyworks team.
                                                                                     A prominent bar element – a kind of hybrid piece of furniture – ingenio-
                                                                                     usly combines the information counter, the coffee bar and the customer
                                                                                     work desk. With a back-lit, perforated sheet-metal wall serving as the
                                                                                     brand-building design feature. Generous and heterogeneous. Even du-
                                                                                     ring peak times, many users can wait and work simultaneously and sea-
                                                                                     ted around the table. Arriving, chatting and relaxing – for these purpo-
                                                                                     ses, the adjacent lounge area which also has a cloakroom has been de-
                                                                                     signed. Mainly textile surfaces successfully create a lively, pleasant at-
                                                                                     mosphere. No restraint – and this isn’t required of the clientele either.
                                                                                     Flexibility and scalability have been taken into account in the design
                                                                                     since the architects accompany the Germany-wide rollout of the innova-
                                                                                     tive “Smart City” initiative. In this way and specific for the location in
                                        Grundriss • Floor plan                       every case, individual sitting and working landscapes can be produced.

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