Page 37 - AIT0420_E-Paper
P. 37

Offen und durchlässig präsentiert sich das Pavillongebäude in seiner Lage zwischen Park und Bestand. • The pavilion located between the park and existing buildings looks open and permeable.

              T  he task of my master thesis in the winter term 2018/19 consisted in designing
                 premises for a restaurant with special requirements: The restaurant pavilion
              was to make it possible to, in addition to the public, also cater for guests of the
              Karlsruhe courts which entailed high demands as to the required security measures.
              In addition, the option of the joint catering was to be made possible without any
              major organizational preparations and expenditure and the kitchen – for the secured
              as well as the public zone – was to be able to offer meals at the highest level of cui-
              sine and to flexibly adapt to the wishes of the groups of visitors. A venue was to be
              designed where a variety of constellations could gather for a variety of events and  Wir schaffen
              everyone would be able to and also like to spend time in a pleasant and, at the  Raum für Erfolg.
              same time, suitable setting. The whole infrastructure thus had to be organized and
              all the demands regarding functions and safety aspects had to be met as well. The
              building was constructed in 1964 because the adjacent museum of natural history
              needed more space and was designed and built by the state building department.
              The pavilion is located right in the urban centre of Karlsruhe, surrounded on three
              sides by the museum and opening to the park in the south.

              Respecting the building stock and designing secured areas

              For my design approach, it was important to me to respect the building stock and
              preserve it in its basic form and appearance. This was why, in the implementation
              of the design, I oriented myself on the existing structure with a strong grid. New con-
              structions and arrangements were therefore clearly influenced and guided by the ar-
              chitecture of the existing building stock. My intention was to emphasize the aesthe-
              tics of the building and, at the same time, address the existing difficulties and solve
              them. Thus, among other factors, the impressive size and cubature of the building,
              which stands freely on pillars and has a projecting upper level, present a problem
              for the natural illumination of all the rooms. To solve this problem, I tried an ap-
              proach based on my concept. In this case, I integrated open spaces for being able to
              direct natural light all the way down to the ground floor and to playfully dissolve the
                                                                                                                                       Projekt: Frankfurt School   of Finance & Management
              strong horizontal line with new accents. It was also my intention to make it possible
              to experience the vastness and the generousness of the space wherever one stands.

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