Page 139 - AIT0419_E-Paper
P. 139

ture from the old office could do justice to our future way of working and the purchase
                of new furnishings would have been too expensive, we worked on a modular solution
                and found it in plastic crates used for transport in the food industry: easy to assemble
                and dismantle, combinable with each other, mobile, and above all reusable. In this
                way, shelves, sideboards, cupboards, partition walls, and much more were built,
                which could be changed and adapted at any time. Creative energy was felt everyw-
                here – not least because we were able to work with artists who designed some of the
                rooms: New York street artist AVone, for example, staged the columns in the Work-
                space, while Robin T Treier transformed a creative space into a brainstorming cave
                with 80 square metres of paper. The outcome was an inspiring place where the ten-
                sion between focused work and lively exchange could be felt everywhere. After one
                and a half years, the experiment came to an end. During this time we have gained
                many new insights, which could now be incorporated into the planning and imple-
                mentation of our new office: The premises that we really need, the furniture that suits
                the way we work, the processes that determine our everyday routines, the technical
                equipment that is really needed, and the conditions that are ideal for good and crea-                                     Foto: pulsmacher GmbH
                tive cooperation within the teams, the entire agency, and above all with our clients.
                We also learned that a fresh start requires both courage and freeing oneself from old
                ways of thinking. 'Letting go' is the motto. It was nice to observe how this radicalism  Die Lounge und Bibliothek als neongelber Dschungel • The lounge and library as a neon yellow jungle
                also inspired our employees. However, we were also aware that the incredible energy
                that was initially released would not last forever. Therefore, it was necessary to even-
                tually return to a permanent home – so we moved to the Berardi Areal in Ludwigsburg.  materiality: to reflect our motto of "Everything is neo!" we used neon yellow, neon
                Everything that was created here is the direct result of our own transformation pro-  pink, and neon green and strong material contrasts. The aim of creating a perfor-
                cess. Thus, our neo.Office is characterised by perfect democracy: transparency, flat  mance-enhancing yet familiar atmosphere has always been our focus. It was important
                hierarchies, and strong employee participation. In addition, we continue to focus on  to us to reconcile work, social environment, and individual interests in order to meet
                absolute flexibility. In order to achieve this, we did not intervene in the architecture of  today's needs. We wanted to create an iconic environment whose architectural soluti-
                the 640-square metre former pre-assembly hall, but exclusively used self-designed  ons would fully support all aspects of "New Work" and give our employees a meaning-
                room elements that can grow dynamically and adapt to all conditions. This furniture  ful and identity-generating home. In summary, it can be said that our experiment has
                can be quickly dismantled and reused and consists of scaffolding, storage shelves, and  shown that "pulswork" and thus "New Work" needs new infrastructures – on three dif-
                mesh crates. We even reused the plastic boxes.                ferent levels: firstly, within architecture or interior design, since agile work is only pos-
                                                                              sible in flexible rooms with coordinated lighting and room climate. Secondly, modern
                How New Work turns into pulswork                              technical equipment to ensure connectivity and networks in every situation. Thirdly,
                                                                              everything depends on a very good organisation that is open to further development
                We also provide scope: our interdisciplinary teams should be able to exchange infor-  and crazy ideas. With the gained knowledge, we can remain fit for the future and also
                mation and network at any time. For retreat, brainstorming, or meetings we clearly  cope with upcoming changes. Our pop-up office has also inspired many of our clients
                zoned the open-plan layout and created characteristic places for communication, con-  and has inspired joint architectural projects on the subject of communication in space.
                centration, reflection, inspiration, and expression. Three areas stand out in particular:  "New Work" is the result of a long process that begins with the question of what you
                a lounge with a library in the middle of a lushly green "jungle"; our "festival area" with  really want and ends with managing a complex and dynamic network with a focus on
                a rooftop lounge for informal communication; and our "house-in-house" in the middle  employees. Freedom, self-determination, and community are the core values that have
                of an "Ideas Garden" for discreet meetings, which we developed together with start-up  been revealed to us. We would like to continue working on this in the future: with cou-
                Cabin Spacey from Berlin. Each of these functional areas has a different colouring and  rageous experiments, new ideas, flaming passion, and innovative strength!

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                        PRODUKTIV                                                              perfekten Rahmen für inspirierende Ideen und hohe
                                                                                               Produktivität. Systemtrennwände für den Schallschutz,
                                                                                               *ODVW¾UHQ VRZLH DEJHK¦QJWH 'HFNHQ PLW UDɝQLHUWHQ
                                                                                               Lichtvouten sorgen in den Büros für eine angenehme
                            ZENTRUM                                                            Atmosphäre. Auch bei Ihrem Bauvorhaben richten wir
                                                                                               unser Augenmerk auf die entscheidenden Stellschrauben:
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                           Wie die Unternehmenszentrale der DAL in Mainz.
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