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sequences on health can frequently not be excluded either. Practice shows that this
                past development is completely reversed. Today, in the best case the aim is to repre-
                sent a company on an area in such a way that, above all, the work processes, the
                intended communication or the necessary privacy are paid attention to. All this by tak-
                ing necessary measures into consideration such as acoustics and the integration of
                deliberate movement patterns. There are work processes which, because of their con-
                fidentiality, are better carried out in single- or double offices, just as group workspaces
                in companies are able to meaningfully promote exchange and communication. Only in
                rare cases does a generalized solution work for a company. Effective working is only
                possible by taking the work processes into consideration. It goes without saying that
                this requires a high degree of willingness and confidence on the part of the decision-
                makers and the company management. This is because, on the one hand, the flexibil-
                ity refers to the work processes but, on the other, does not stop at the working hours.
                If, for instance, an employee gets the best ideas while jogging in the morning, it can be  Alternativ zu den Gruppenbüros stehen Rückzugsorte wie separate Besprechungsräume zur Verfügung.
                of benefit to a company if the employee only shows up at his workplace after ten a.m.
                but, thanks to mobile technology, with an elaborated concept in his briefcase. This
                approach can, of course not be transferred onto all the departments and to all the
                processes. But to decide in the individual case in view of a specific department or proj-
                ect and not to force the approach globally onto all the employees is the art of this strat-
                egy and saves the resource “employees”. In this way, the office turns into an individual
                and  varied office landscape. Companies are represented by different areas for the
                respective department where the classic workspace is found in combination with so-
                called think tanks for concentrated working, zones for group meetings, facilities for
                video conferences, relaxation areas and sections for refreshing the senses. Diversity is
                the decisive criterion that has changed in today’s design of workspaces. Even the inno-
                vations in fire-protection regulations allow in all types of buildings – all the way to
                high-rises – office solutions which, instead of the classic hallway partition, provide
                scope for designing varied office options within the utilisation units. All these design
                variants contribute to letting the individual employees move around according to their
                activities and to fulfil their tasks with concentration or in groups depending on what
                their respective duties require. What matters more and more is the comfort factor.
                Dissolving the DIN norms for more variability in the office

                Even DIN norms and regulations reacted to this. Thus, so far, the norm stated that 500
                lux were required for illuminating the workspace. The meanwhile revision of the DIN
                today allows bright and darker zones within the offices in combination with the 500 lux
                which are now only restricted to the work surface. It cannot be expected that the DIN
                will prescribe the mood. But by getting away from the 500 lux in the office, zones with
                more or less light are admissible – the norm is thus the base for atmospheric light at the
                workstation. That lighting technology is now also doing its part and has forced the light
                bulb to be replaced by LED technology is the icing on the cake. Based on a high quality
                of light, with this technology a wide variety of light scenarios for illuminating areas
                with many different requirements is possible. A legal foundation has thus been estab-
                lished based on technical possibilities and the entrepreneurial willingness to offer the
                employees a modern working environment adapted to the work process.  Dabei belegt die schwedische Bank SEB AG im Frankfurter Bürogebäude Skylight circa 14.000 Quadratmeter.

                                                                                        PLANAR.              Klare Formen und gerade Linien.

                                                                                         Der besondere Türfalz über-   Bandsystem in Edelstahl oder   Drücker Frame, Inlay
                                                                                         deckt die Zargenbekleidung.  passend zum Falz lackiert.  in Falzoptik.

                 PLANAR. Ausdrucksstarke Eleganz.
                 Geradlinig und selbstbewusst, das ist die neue Designtür Planar. Ob Holz- oder Stahlzarge, das
                 puristische Design ist wie aus einem Guss durch ideal abgestimmte Beschläge. Mit nahezu un-
                 begrenzter Farbkombinationen von Zarge und Falz entsteht ein ganz individuelles Raumdesign.                  AIT 4.2018  •  000
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