Page 99 - AIT0322_E-Paper
P. 99

Entwurf • Design Christopher Sitzler Architekt, Berlin
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Christopher Sitzler, Berlin
                                                                                     Standort • Location Leipziger Straße 48, Berlin
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 100 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Maximilian König, Berlin
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

             Foto: Mirko Tzotschew, SB5                                              APARTMENT

                                                                                     IN BERLIN

                „In meiner Arbeit folge ich dem Prinzip der qualita-                 Berlin-Mitte district, 15 floor, the balcony affords views
              tiven Nachhaltigkeit: Ich definiere Räume entlang ihrer                of the reconstructed City Palace, St. Nicholas Church and
                                                                                     the television tower: in the high-rises on Leipziger
              Interaktion mit der Umgebung und realisiere Objekte,                   Straße, the young Berlin architect Christopher Sitzler has
                                                                                     made himself a new home. Raw concrete surfaces form
              die langlebig sind und auch über viele Jahre hochwer-                  the backdrop for selected design pieces, while precisely
              tig altern und so ihre getätigte Investition bewahren.“                planned fixtures divide the open-plan layout.

                                     Christopher Sitzler
                                                                                     T   he eight mighty high-rise residential buildings, built in pairs
                                                                                         along Leipziger Straße in Berlin’s Mitte district, date from the hey-
                                                                                     day of the German Democratic Republic. They were a response to the
                                                                                     Springer Tower in West Berlin, and today it is hard to imagine the ci-
                                                                                     tyscape without them. Nevertheless, their reputation fluctuates bet-
                                                                                     ween famous and infamous. Currently, the ensemble is considered ex-
                                                                                     tremely hip thanks to low rents and their prime city centre location.
                                                                                     This is why a young, urban clientele occupies the buildings these
                                                                                     days. Architect Christopher Sitzler also lives and works here. His resi-
                                                                                     dence offers a floor area of just under 100 square metres. There is not-
                                                                                     hing left of the original layout and interior design of his residential
                                                                                     unit, because Sitzler radically stripped the flat down to its load-be-
                                                                                     aring structure, thereby revealing massive concrete beams. The con-
                                                                                     tours of new floor plan follows these beams, supported by a few wall
                                                                                     fixtures and space-creating cabinet elements. A storage room and a
                                                                                     small bathroom with WC were created in the entrance area. The living
                                                                                     and dining area with its open-plan kitchen takes up most of the space.
                                                                                     It merges seamlessly into the study that adjoins at the corner. The mo-
                                                                                     vable furniture is almost entirely composed of classics by Dieter
                                                                                     Rams, Hans Wegner, Le Corbusier and Fritz Haller. Two sliding doors
                                                                                     separate the private area – a combined bedroom and bathroom. Next
                                                                                     to the bed, the bathtub and the shower are arranged on a platform,
                                                                                     which is finished with white, square swimming pool tiles. Sitzler has
                                                                                     succeeded in making a real statement with this design. The open wet
                                                                                     area consistently maintains the flat’s tough and minimalist design vo-
                                                                                     cabulary. However, the architect has skilfully combined his neo-bru-
                                                                                     talism with selected material highlights and high-quality details.
                                                                                     White marble used as worktop and backsplash of the kitchen unit and
                                                                                     the warm, bright oak wood of the built-in units create a subtle con-
                                                                                     trast to the raw concrete surfaces. The result is an absolutely contem-
                                                                                     porary, urban interior that is entirely tailored to the lifestyle of Chri-
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  stopher Sitzler, client and architect in personal union.

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