Page 116 - AIT0321_E-Paper
P. 116


            Foto: Udo Meinel, Die Baupiloten

            Ein Glas Wein mit Kommilitonen in der Teamküche • A glass of wine with friends in the team kitchen

            Foto: Jan Bitter, Die Baupiloten                                                                                          Foto: Jan Bitter, Die Baupiloten

            Durch indirekte Beleuchtung wird aus gelb plötzlich pink. • Yellow suddenly turns pink due to indirect lighting.  Die Teamfarben rhythmisieren die Vertikale. • The team colours impart rhythm to the vertical.

            W     ith the river Spree in the northwest and Tiergarten park in the southeast, the  creating a feeling of communality. There is a colour gradient from yellow to blue to
                                                                          bronze. The kitchen furnishing, bathroom tiles, floor coverings and doors are consistently
                  young residents of the S12 building enjoy a breath-taking view. Spontaneous en-
            counters in the hallway, joint chilling on the balcony, preparing meals here and there –  painted in the respective team colour. Monument protection stipulated that all the hall-
            all this is wanted und was promoted with this renovation. The elevated piazza allows  ways were to be painted in the same shade of light yellow – only thanks to the coloured
            sweeping visual connections and a quick access to the surroundings. The shining kit-  light do the hallways now vary and thereby creatively circumvent the prescribed mono-
            chens characterize the joint everyday life. With the steel-glass construction on the first  tony. This visual effect is produced by RGB LEDs which indirectly and individually illumi-
            upper level and the cubes in the façade which shine in many colours after dark, this  nate the walls opposite. To achieve very bright results which, at the same time, are also
            group dynamic is also shown towards the outside. With the design and the expansions  energy-efficient, together with the Bion Technologies manufacturer a simple but also
            of these kitchens, Die Baupiloten cited the architecture by Klaus Ernst and took up the  highly effective modification of LED standard luminaires was planned. Usually, such a
            team spirit contained in it. Besides single rooms and single-occupancy flats, there are  spotlight is evenly equipped with RGBW (red, green, blue, white) boards which can then
            shared flats as well. The next four floors up are equipped for a total of 12 visually and  dimmed via a control in four channels and thus produces the colours. Since much bright-
            hearing-impaired students. Taking the preservation order into consideration, the layouts  ness is thereby lost and the control also means unnecessary costs, the boards (with 8
            were expanded and adapted to current needs. On each of the upper nine standard floors  LEDs each) were linked with a varying number of red, green and blue LEDs. This now
            are four single-occupancy flats and nine single rooms with shared bathrooms and two-  achieves the 100 percent radiance without an increase in energy consumption. A coated
            storey team kitchens as communicative hubs. The 11 upper floor has room for a flat-sha-  foil in the luminaire guides the light asymmetrically to the wall. For the softer colour gra-
            ring community of five and the 12 and top floor is occupied by the “bronze boys” the  dients in the vestibules, standard luminaires were again used – here from the Bega ma-
            way the “golden girls” occupy a floor in House 11.            nufacturer. The “kitchen box” adjacent to the exterior on the ground floor shines in a soft
                                                                          shade of yellow. This basic colour is generally difficult to produce with LEDs since it can
            Creative lighting- and colour concept for team building       only be achieved by additive mixing. The lighting planner did not like this compromise
                                                                          with the mixture of red and green LEDs, so she looked for an alternative: She integrated
            The team building principle is strengthened by a special colour performance – the tones,  wall-washer recessed luminaires by Hoffmeister, which are usually installed in ceilings,
            changing every two floors, impart rhythm to the vertical and aid orientation as well as  in the wall covering above the windows and covered them with yellow acrylics.

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