Page 87 - AIT0319_E-Paper
P. 87

Entwurf • Design CaSA, ES-Barcelona
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client privat
                                                                                        Standort • Location El Born, ES-Barcelona
                                                                                        Wohnfläche • Floor space 65 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Roberto Ruiz
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 174


                                                                                        IN BARCELONA

                                                                                        Living where others spend their holidays – Airbnb tour-
                                                                                        ism in big cities is leading to an increasing housing
                      Der Grundriss wurde fast vollständig geöffnet.                    shortage for locals. Especially in inner cities, vacant
                   Zum Ausgleich entwickelten die Architekten eine Art                  apartments can hardly be found or afforded. An apart-
                                                                                        ment refurbished by CaSA demonstrates how much sto-
                   begehbaren Kleiderschrank, der alles verschwinden                    rage space and quality of life a small flat in Barcelona's
                                                                                        old town can provide.
                            lässt, was gerade nicht benötigt wird.

                                                                                        H   istoric, creative, and charming – these characteristics are perfectly
                                                                                            suited to describe El Born, a district of Barcelona dating from the
                                                                                        13th century. Even though this flair has only developed over the last
                                                                                        few decades, the district has long since lost its status as an insider tip.
                                                                                        As in the Middle Ages, mainly artists and creative workshops have
                                                                                        recently moved here, who are attracting more and more tourists. It is
                                                                                        therefore particularly important in this neighbourhood to revitalise exi-
                                                                                        sting old buildings. The architects from Colombo and Serboli have now
                                                                                        succeeded in creating an impressive balancing act between old and
                                                                                        new elements for living purposes on a limited floor area with Spanish
                                                                                        flair.  With the exception of a partition  wall oriented towards the
                                                                                        bedroom, the floor plan of the former apartment with small separate
                                                                                        rooms was completely opened up. The concept corresponds to a walk-
                                                                                        in wardrobe that makes everything disappear that is not needed at the
                                                                                        moment. The rooms with a ceiling height of four metres are thus given
                                                                                        a tidy spaciousness. Light wooden floors, white walls, and restored
                                                                                        woodwork such as the beamed ceiling and solid shutters create a
                                                                                        discreet allusion to the past of this place, while providing a clear fra-
                                                                                        mework for the new furniture. The entrance area is dominated by the
                                                                                        blue linear fronts of the wall unit. Incorporated openings with pink
                                                                                        reveals literally draw the visitor into the living area, while at the same
                                                                                        time ensuring that daylight enters the zones located further back in the
                                                                                        floor plan. In addition to the predominant shades of pink, grey and
                                                                                        coral provide additional colour highlights in the open-plan kitchen. In
                                                                                        addition, rounded shapes define the furnishings. The same applies to
                                                                                        the newly inserted cube of the guest bathroom, which seamlessly con-
                                                                                        nects to the kitchen unit. Here, not only softness is to be conveyed, but
                                                                                        also the volume required for the guest bathroom is to be reduced in
                                                                                        order to keep the separate bedroom and bathroom area autonomous.
                                                                                        Elements, such as the covers that were specially designed for the radia-
                                                                                        tors, reveal the added value of a subtle, coordinated design for the
                Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  living spaces with a limited floor area.

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