Page 144 - AIT0319_E-Paper
P. 144


                                                                             wie Holz,  Stein und Metall und  verbauten diese in sichtbaren Kons truktionen.
                                                                             Ebenfalls  im  Einsatz  waren  bei  der  Sanierung  aufgefundene  Werkstoffe  wie  alte
                                                                             Tannenriemen oder Tonziegel, die bislang aus Brand   schutz gründen den Dach boden
                                                                             der Scheune bedeckten und nun in einigen Woh nun gen wieder zum Einsatz kamen.
                                                                             Auf diese Weise sparten die Planer nicht nur Ressourcen ein, sondern zollten darüber
                                                                             hinaus dem Wert des Bestandes Respekt. Historische und zeitgenössische Nutzung
                                                                             sowie Geschichte und Gegenwart bilden in der Folge eine intuitiv erfahrbare Einheit,
                                                                             in der sich architekturaffine wie naturverbundene Bewohner wohlfühlen können.
                                                                             Die Umgebung vernetzen und Mehrwert schaffen

                                                                             Besitzer Andreas Geser geht nach der abgeschlossenen Scheunen-Umnutzung in seiner
                                                                             Profession als Landschaftsarchitekt bald noch einen finalen Schritt weiter und möchte
                                                                             künftig das zum Gebäude gehörende Grundstück mit traditionellen Hofpflasterungen
                                                                             und Gemüsegarten versehen. Alte Mauern, Bäume und Sträucher sollen bleiben und
                                                                             nicht etwa unnötigen Parkflächen geopfert werden. Stattdessen soll ein öffentlicher
                                                                             Fußweg über das Gelände führen, der vor allem als sicherer Schulweg einen Mehrwert
                                                                             für die ganze Gemeinde München wiler bringt.

                                                                             A  fter the introduction of the Reformation in 1535, it seemed logical to the new secu-
                                                                                lar rulers to demolish the site of the old Cluniac monastery near Lake Murten and
                                                                             use the building material to construct Münchenwiler Castle at the same place. In the
                                                                             course of the work, the later 'Kühlerhaus' (shepherd's house) was built, which was
                                                                             extended 200 years later by an impressive barn. While the castle now belongs to the
                                                                             Canton of Berne and is used as a hotel and event location, the barn is owned by
                                                                             Zurich-based landscape architect Andreas Geser, who had the idea of turning the for-
                                                                             mer agricultural complex into a residential building with rental apartments. To this
                                                                             end, the barn – the largest building of its kind in the canton – had to be restored in
                                                                             accordance with monument preservation requirements. In a second step, the archi-
               Bei der Materialwahl orientierten sich die Planer am Bestand ... • Material selection was guided by the historic ...  tects from bernarth+widmer implanted a timber construction that is invisible from the
                                                                             outside and provides three storeys for seven maisonettes of various sizes inside. In the
               ... und versuchten, originale Baustoffe wiederzuverwenden. • ... building and aims to reuse original materials.  old residential building, the layout was changed to create two apartments.

                                                                             Maintaining identity and creating quality of life

                                                                             All newly constructed residential units extend over the entire depth of the building and
                                                                             are separated from each other by brick fire walls. Each apartment has a vertical struc-
                                                                             ture and is equipped with an oak core, which zones the narrow units and provides
                                                                             stairs, kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, toilet unit, and sliding doors. The transitions
                                                                             from one use to another are smooth and freely configurable. Entrances and windows
                                                                             on the brick-built ground floor were created using the original wall openings. The upper
                                                                             floors, on the other hand, are located behind a windowless half-timbered structure fil-
                                                                             led with wooden boards. In order to nevertheless achieve natural lighting for the up to
                                                                             five-metre-high living spaces and to create weather-protected private outdoor areas, a
                                                                             second fully glazed façade was installed behind. In addition, the historical façade ensu-
                                                                             res plenty of privacy and an effective play of light and shadow. In terms of materiality,
                                                                             the planners – following the characteristics of the existing building – used the most natu-
                                                                             ral products possible, such as  wood, stone, and metal, for  visible constructions.
                                                                             Materials found during the renovation were reused, such as old fir floorboards or clay
                                                                             tiles, which previously covered the attic of the barn for fire protection reasons and are
                                                                             now being used in some apartments. In this way, the planners saved resources and paid
                                                                             respect to the value of the existing property. Historic and contemporary utilisation as
                                                                             well as past and present form an intuitively perceptible entity in which residents with
                                                                             an affinity for architecture and nature can feel at home.

                                                                             Networking the environment and creating added value

                                                                             Upon completion, owner Andreas Geser will be taking a final step as a landscape archi-
                                                                             tect and wants to finish the surrounding grounds with traditional pavements and a vege-
                                                                             table garden. Old walls, trees, and bushes are to be preserved and not sacrificed for
                                                                             parking. Instead, a public footpath is to lead across the site, which, above all as a safe
                                                                             way to school, brings added value for the entire village of Münchenwiler.

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