Page 117 - AIT0318_E-Paper
P. 117

Entwurf • Design Ester Bruzkus Architekten, Berlin
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Ester Bruzkus, Berlin
                                                                                        Standort • Location Privat
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 80 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Jens Bösenberg, Berlin
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 144

                                                                                        ESTERS APARTMENT 2.0

                                                                                        IN BERLIN

                                                                                        With the relocation from the second to the sixth floor
                    „Als Architektin bin ich Minimalistin,                              of the Berlin Estradenhaus, Ester Bruzkus not only
                                                                                        found a further stage for her expressive design but also
                       aber in meinem tiefsten Inneren                                  acquired a roof garden with a panorama view of the

                             liebe ich die Opulenz.“                                    city. Strikingly applied colours, custom-made furniture
                                                                                        and well thought-out installations form the architect’s
                                                                                        four walls in a playful way.

                                                                                        C  ustom-made living – the second round, is the motto at Prenzlauer
                                                                                           Berg in Berlin. It was only in 2014 that the architect Ester Bruzkus
                                                                                        had given free rein  to her imagination in an apartment of the
                                                                                        Estradenhaus designed by Wolfram Popp in 1998, see AIT 3.2016. Now
                                                                                        she has moved again. Within the same building, from the second to the
                                                                                        sixth upper floor. Of course, due to this she was already familiar with
                                                                                        the special features of the layouts which originally consist of one large
                                                                                        room with  two  massive  side walls  and  fully-glazed  external  façades
                                                                                        which have a narrow platform in front of them. Once again, the archi-
                                                                                        tect profited from this maximum freedom of scope and created three
                                                                                        completely different zones on 80 square metres and with opulent furni-
                                                                                        ture, oriental carpets, muted colours of the Le Corbusier Polychromie
                                                                                        range  and  her  fine  sense  for  combining  seemingly  opposed  forms,
                                                                                        colours and materials. In the living room, a custom-made sofa with a
                                                                                        pouf in strong pink set the tone. Next to it, a long dining table, likewise
                Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  designed by Ester Bruzkus and extending over the complete length of
                                                                                        the kitchen unit, invites to a culinary feast. The kitchen as an open ele-
                                                                                        ment with fronts in dusky pink and a work top of light-grey terrazzo is
                                                                                        integrated in a space-defining volume of light oak. The massive instal-
                                                                                        lation at the same time functions as a partition from the sleeping are
                                                                                        and contains the bathroom as the only enclosed space. Two steps lead
                                                                                        from the dining area to the already existing platform in front of the bal-
                                                                                        cony. Bruzkus had it enlarged to one side so she could put her bed on
                Schnitt A-A • Section A-A                                               it and thus create a place of retreat with a view behind the oak wall. A
                                                                                        door leads from here to the bathroom which, as an oasis for relaxing,
                                                                                        also has a custom-made bathtub of light-coloured terrazzo. Fittings of
                                                                                        untreated brass and a marble  washbasin add plenty of elegance.
                                                                                        Through a second door, one accesses the living- and entrance area
                                                                                        again. As the beautiful icing on the cake, the roof terrace just one floor
                                                                                        up was turned into a lush garden landscape. Platforms, flower pots and
                                                                                        colourful oriental patterns serve to extend the living area and offer a
                Schnitt B-B • Section B-B                                               magnificent panorama view of the whole city of Berlin.

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