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Foto: Jochen Tack / Stiftung Zollverein                       Foto: Bernadette Grimmenstein / TUP Essen

                Im edlen Restaurant Casino Zollverein (18) wird neben sechs Meter hohen Betonsäulen gespeist.  Das Theater (22) von • by Alvar Aalto wurde nach seinem Tod fertiggestellt, es ist das Opernhaus der Stadt.

                I  f residents of the Ruhr area show visitors their city,  also find our office: in the office and commercial buil-  the impressive escalator of the Coal Washery (15) (archi-
                  they certainly mention the sentence: “We also have
                                                         ding RüKONTOR (04), which we completed in 1996. You
                                                                                                  tecture of the conversion: Rem Kohlhaas and Heinrich
                beautiful corners...“. The same applies for Essen, where  are cordially invited to enjoy a glass of Latte Macchiato  Böll, 2008). It takes us to the Ruhr Museum featuring a
                we – Axel Koschany and Wolfgang Zimmer – have been  or a cup of tea and tell us, how much you enjoyed the  collection focusing on the nature, culture and history of
                jointly doing architecture since 1995. Together with our  morning. Our shopping recommendation for the Rü:  the Ruhr area. Between restored machines, we still breat-
                employees, we have compiled a weekend in our city,  design objects are available at the Vitra Store R (05) and  he the air of coal mining. At Café Kohlenwäsche,  you
                where steel and coal have long disappeared but have  creative unique copies from the region at  should bring enough time for a cup of coffee and be
                left behind exceptional traces and opportunities: in 2010,  ‘Wohngemein schaft’ (06). Directly next door, you have  inspired by small present ideas in the museum shop next
                Essen was Europe’s Capital of Culture and in 2017, the  the opportunity on Saturdays to experience genuine ori-  door: pit salt, alluvial gold or Ruhr area coffee. A walk
                city will be European Green Capital. On our tour, we will  ginals from Essen – on the busy Rüttenscheider Markt  across the premises gives you an idea of the enormous
                show  you a coal mine that  were  turned into  World  (07). The colourful weekly market with about 100 marke-  scale of the facilities. Things to be discovered include –
                Heritage Site, corporate headquarters of publicly traded  teers has existed for 110 years – a real institution.   design fans, watch out! – the Red Dot Design Museum
                German companies, our Philharmonic Hall,  where  16:00 – A visit to the Folkwang Museum (08) (architec-  (16) (architecture of the conversion: Foster + Partner, 1997)
                British conductor Sir Simon Rattle and his Berlin  ture: David Chipperfield, 2010) is an absolute must.  with  the  world’s  largest  exhibition  on  contemporary
                Philharmoniker like to perform every  year, and a  Founded in 1902 in Hagen by patron of the arts Karl  design. Definitely worth seeing is the  SANAA Building
                museum with spectacular collections of modern art.   Ernst Osthaus, the son of a banker, the exhibition buil-  (17), which is completely designed as a fair-faced concrete
                                                         ding played a pioneering role in the field of modern art  structure (architecture: SANAA, 2006) with 134 window
                Saturday: art, culture and shopping stroll  in  first  half  of  the  20th  century.  Today,  the  museum,  openings, which appear to have a random arrangement
                                                         which was relocated to Essen, accommodates an inter-  but are exactly coordinated with the lighting situation in
                10.00 – We start in the south, in the picturesque and  nationally significant collection comprising painting,  the interior. Originally planned as a private university, the
                simultaneously lively Werden District in the Ruhr valley.  sculpture, photography, graphics, media and poster art.   building is now rented out for events.
                Founded in 796, this is the place of Essen’s roots. People  19:00 – Check-in at the listed Heroldhaus (Emil Jung,  13:00 – It’s about time to sit down for lunch in the ele-
                often think that the Ruhr area is identical with “the domi-  1955), a former office building dating from the 1950s. The  gant Casino Zollverein Restaurant (18). Here, myth and
                nance of industry and grey”? Not at all. We would like to  offices were converted into hotel rooms – here, the design  modernism are combined over traditional dishes like
                show you how green and worth living in Essen and the  hotel ‘Motel One’ (09) has pampered its guests 2012.  ‘Pfefferpotthast’ and Essen’s Casino Bier.
                region are. We start with a history-charged visit to the  20:00 – After an eventful day, we would like to slowly  14:00 – The new ThyssenKrupp Quartier (19) (architec-
                “last Romanesque church of the Rhineland”, the impres-  end the day in a relaxed fashion: What about the char-  ture: Chaix & Morel et associeés and JSWD Architekten,
                sive St. Ludgerus Basilica (01). Yes, Essen is situated in  ming Restaurant Seitenblick (10) serving fresh and sea-  2010) is also worth a detour. Here, the global corporation
                the Ruhr area. Officially, we are in the Rhineland. In 1275,  sonal cuisine.  Typically French and  with Essen’s best  had its new spectacular headquarters implemented. The
                when the Cologne Cathedral in Gothic style  was still  wine list, the team of  Rotisserie du Sommelier (11)  revitalised ‘grüne mitte university quarters’ (20) invite
                under construction, Essen’s first basilica was already con-  attracts guests, while the chefs of the Tablo (12) interpret  to enjoy a walk. Formerly an inner-city railway waste-
                secrated. Directly next door, we find the marvellous Folk -  a contemporary Turkish cuisine.  land, the site is now a popular district for living, working
                wang University of the Arts (02), Essen’s cultural land-  23:00 – You are still not tired? Then pay a visit to Essen’s  and relaxing – an exciting example of converted industri-
                mark. Pina Bausch, Benno Hoffmann and Frank Peter  oldest cinema, the unique ‘Lichtburg’ (13). It was ope-  al fallows in the Ruhr area. Our office is responsible for
                Zimmermann studied here, in the Baroque palace of the  ned in 1928 and with more than one thousand seats it is  the PIER 78 (21) residential quarter dating from 2013. We
                former Episcopal residence. The award-winning building  Germany’s largest picture palace and still the venue of  continue past the Philharmonic Hall, the Stadtgarten, the
                of the Folkwang Library completes the ensemble.  numerous premieres with stars and starlets.   Aalto Theatre (22) (Alvar Aalto, design 1959, implemen-
                12:00 – The cosy Café Werntges (03) is an institution in                          tation 1988) and the 127-metre high RWE  Tower
                Werden and its sumptuous cake buffet and fine bistro  Sunday: Traces of the past   Ingenhoven, Overdiek, Kahlen & Partner.
                cuisine invites guests to linger. A place you should defi-                        15:00 – Back to the Krupp Family, who have had a lasting
                nitely visit is “Werntges Traumtorten” directly next door,  10.00 – Glück Auf! A miner’s greeting meaning “Good  influence on the city: Villa Hügel (23) with the adjoining
                offering wonderful small presents to take home.   luck!”.  We  start  our  Sunday  at  the  UNESCO  World  park illustrates the grand style the family used to live in.
                13:00 – Feeling invigorated we set out for Rüttenscheid,  Heritage Site of the Zollverein Coal Mine (14) (architectu-  The mansion and the park can be visited. We want to
                the trendy and creative district. Rüttenscheider Straße,  re: Schupp and Kremmer, 1928-1932). It is an impressive  end the weekend as idyllically as we started: walking
                which is lovingly called “Rü”, provides a vivid mixture of  industrial complex in the northern part of the once largest  about along the Ruhr, we find the Jagdhaus Schellen -
                cafés, restaurants, shops and studios between Flora -  mining city in Europe. As the last of Essen’s 291 collieries,  berg (24) – a picturesque half-timbered building dating
                straße and Witteringstraße. This is the area where you  Zollverein stopped the production of coal in 1986. We use  from 1836 with a perfect view across the Baldeneysee.

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