Page 45 - AIT0124_E-Paper
P. 45

Die neue Fassadengestaltung soll den Luisenplatz aufwerten. • The new façade is intended to enhance Luisenplatz

             Die neuen Arkaden als zusätzlicher Kommunikationsraum • The new arcades: additional communication space   Ist-Zustand: Leerstand an innerstädtischem Knotenpunkt • Current status: Vacancy at inner-city junction

             uses: Ample space for encounters and intergenerational exchange to strengthen the   European urban space. On the north and west façades, I therefore adopt the locally
             urban community. Therefore, on the ground floor, I have planned a regional market   typical motif of arcades, creating intermediate spaces as a transition from urban
             hall that is open daily with food stalls and flexible spaces for events and pop-ups.   space to interior space. The new access is derived from the straight paths defined by
             A two-storey City Café serves as another meeting point. Space remains on the south   the urban context. The main entrance is axial to the Collegium building. By breaking
             side of the building for a temporarily rentable concept store and a bike store. The   up the transition to the Karstadt department store, I establish a natural passage from
             upper floor of the City Café serves as a daytime reading café and, in the evening,  Adelungstraße to Schuchardstraße. On the ground floor, visitors encounter a flexi-
             becomes part of the City Bar. On the first floor, there is an auditorium for cultural  bly usable square with a central void and main stairs. Abundant natural light and
             events and a digital maker space for teaching digital skills. There are also plans   sightlines up to the glass roof facilitate orientation. The market hall extends into a
             for a youth centre and an attached centre for the elderly, aiming to create a good   furnished outdoor space. This courtyard should attract pedestrians into the building.
             mix of generations and counteract increasing loneliness. The floor above houses an   By cutting out parts of the building volume, five new façade areas emerge, allowing
             intercultural media library, complementing the city library to promote intercultural  more daylight into the interior and creating new views. With its shell limestone faça-
             understanding, along with a children’s library and a learning centre.   de and arcades, the City House aims to evoke familiarity. The atmosphere makes the
                                                                          City House a “3rd Place” for all generations. The interior design features a minimalist
             A new access structure creates connections to the urban space  mix of durable materials as a timeless canvas for the diverse city society: terrazzo
                                                                          and exposed screed for the market hall and publicly accessible areas; smoked oak
             The third floor provides affordable space for creatives and digital start-ups that also   as well as recycled oak wood for built-ins, laptop tables, walls and floors. Colour is
             support local retailers in their digital presence. The City Garden with gastronomy and  used for the signage system and easily replaceable interior elements such as upho-
             outdoor cinema is designed to invite people to enjoy the view over the roofs. On the   lstery fabrics, seating and additive building elements like columns. I have included
             fourth and fifth floors, living space is planned for city visitors and exchange students,   popular Scandinavian-inspired furniture for all generations, such as the Alcove Meet
             where it should be easy to meet other residents. My respect for the site, the classi-  & Retreat Sofa by Vitra, Arne Jacobsen’s Model 3107 stacking chair and various sea-
             cal Luisenplatz, led me to its architect Georg Moller (1784-1852) and his design as a   ting from the About series by Hay.

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