Page 36 - AIT0124_E-Paper
P. 36


           Fotos: fotografieSCHAULIN

           Wie Gotik, nur anders: das Santúario Don Bosco (12) ... • The Santúario Dom Bosco (12) ...   Langer Zugang zum Superior Tribunal de Justicia (13), ... • Entrance to the Superior Tribunal da Justiça (13), ...

           ... beeindruckt mit hohen, blau gefärbten Lanzettfenstern. • ... impresses with its high, blue-coloured windows.   ... in dessen Gerichtssaal eine Decke aus Glasscheiben leuchtet. • … in whose hall a ceiling of glass panes shines.

           r 3 p.m. - The Ministério da Justiça (8) and the prestigious, publicly accessible part of   r noon – It’s Sunday, so it’s only fitting that we visit the Santúario Dom Bosco (12), the
           the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are an exception to this uniformity: At the Palácio de Ita-  city’s patron saint (Joao Bosco). Built in 1963 to a design by Carlos Alberto Neves, the
           maraty (9) with its elegant concrete arches, the boundaries between inside and outside   church has a square floor plan and is framed by 80 concrete columns ending in Gothic
           seem to blur – not least thanks to the reflective water surfaces, the interiors flooded with   arches. The coloured glass windows bathe the nave in a peculiar blue light.
           light and air and the interior gardens designed by Burle Marx, in which lush tropical   r 2 p.m. - We also encounter coloured glass in the next building – this time as the eye of
           plants bloom.                                                 justice. The Superior Tribunal de Justiça (13) is Brazil’s highest court, and the abstract,
                                                                         oversized eye adorns the large courtroom as a wall relief. The path to the pyramid-
           Sunday: So close to heaven – and the eye of justice           shaped Teatro Nacional (14), a design by Niemeyer from 1958, leads us along the Plano
                                                                         Piloto, an endless row of uniform “superquadras”: rectangular areas with eight to eleven
           Isay Weinfeld is the star among Brazil’s contemporary architects. He is responsible for  blocks of flats on pilotis. Four blocks each form a unit with a school, kindergarten,
           the design of the recently opened B Hotel (10). The linear block opposite the Jardim Burle   supermarket and restaurants.
           Marx on the Eixo Monumental comprises 306 rooms behind a sand-coloured façade  r 3 p.m. - There are also stalls selling fresh fruit and freshly squeezed juices in the entre-
           with irregularly distributed, square-cut windows. Inside, the spirit of Brazilian moder-  quadras, the area between the superquadras. According to the plans of Kubitschek, Costa
           nism awaits – with elegant furniture and dark wood panelling as well as traditional  and Niemeyer, this is where the middle class was supposed to live; Kubitschek himself,
           Cobogó bricks on white walls. Everything is crowned by an XXL roof terrace with bar and   however, moved into the Palácio da Alvorada (15), which was the first building to be
           pool – and a view over Brasília.                              constructed in Brasília between 1957 and 1958.
           r 10 a.m. - We have saved a special architectural gem designed by Niemeyer for today:   r 5 p.m. - The building of white marble, concrete and glass is located on a peninsu-
           the Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida (11). You don’t have to be a   la in Lake Paranoá and is considered the real jewel of Brasília due to its harmonious
           believer to feel closer to heaven in Brasília‘s cathedral, which was completed in 1970:  proportions. Cantilevered concrete slabs frame a rectangular glass box, with Niemeyer
           Even the outer structure of star-shaped white concrete arches reaching towards the sky   structuring the loggias referencing old colonial houses with arcades. The palace covers
           gives the building, glazed all round, a sublime appearance.   an area of 7,000 square metres and is still the residence of the Brazilian presidents today.

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