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Entwurf • Design Salon Alper Derinbogaz, TR-Istanbul
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Reflect Studio, TR-Istanbul
                                                                                     Standort • Location TR-Istanbul
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 230 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Studio Majo, TR-Istanbul
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                     REFLECT STUDIO STORES

                                                                                     IN ISTANBUL

                                                                                     Is that how the future looks? Two stores in Istanbul
                                                                                     show futuristic tendencies in architecture. With artifi-
                                                                                     cial intelligence, Alper Derinbogaz and Reflect Studio
                                                                                     turn airplane scrap and fabric remnants into dazzling
                                                                                     new worlds. One can not only buy products here but,
                                                                                     above all, have them repaired. The first commentaries
                                                                                     in the social media sound like a futuristic manifest …

                                                                                     T  ime and space have died yesterday. We are already living in the ab-
                                                                                        solute since we have created eternal, omnipresent speed.” With
                                                                                     these words, in 1990 the Italian writer Filippo Tommaso Marinetti foun-
                                                                                     ded a new movement which makes the relationship between machines
                                                                                     and men the basis of all creation – futurism. He encourages a radical de-
                                                                                     parture from what was yesterday and a bold view into a highly enginee-
                                                                                     red future which has already started. “Tomorrow becomes yesterday in
                                                                                     the blink of an eye”, is likewise a commentary on the opening of the Re-
                                                                                     flect Studio stores in Istanbul that has been posted on Instagram. The
                                                                                     party was held with the futuristic motto: “Portraits from a night in pink
                                                                                     utopia. Who’s feeling optimistic about the future again?”. Reflect Studio
                                                                                     produces articles of merchandise for the environmental protection and
             Grundriss Kanyon • Floor plan Kanyon                                    NGOs and, in addition, spacy earrings, eyeglasses, flared trousers and
                                                                                     armchairs with tassels made from garbage. In the social media, the de-
                                                                                     signers promote an optimistic view of a kind of future that – low and be-
                                                                                     hold – has already started! In the focus of their creations is the renewed
                                                                                     relationship between man and nature. For the furnishing of the two new
                                                                                     stores in the Kanyon and Akasya shopping centres, they commissioned
                                                                                     the architect Alper Derinbogaz who is well-known for his progressive ap-
                                                                                     proaches to design. He creates room concepts and furniture designs with
                                                                                     the help of artificial intelligence. And some of the objects, such as, for
                                                                                     instance, the organically shaped sales counters, he has constructed with
                                                                                     technologies derived from boat building. As gigantic “molars” of silver
                                                                                     and pink, they now stand around like lumps of rock in a surrealistic
                                                                                     dream. Airplane scrap landed out of the past serves as a sitting bench.
                                                                                     Recycled aluminium splinters in terrazzo remind of the wastage of natu-
                                                                                     ral resources as sprinkled confetti does of a past party. The entire setting
                                                                                     is given a hyper-real luminosity and a systemic order by a linear ceiling
                                                                                     grid consisting of programmed light fields. This new kind of interior ar-
                                                                                     chitecture in techno colours intrigues people and gets them in the mood
                                                                                     for a new kind of future that has already begun! Time and space have
             Grundriss Akasya • Floor plan Akasya                                    died yesterday. We are already living in the absolute.

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