Page 29 - AIT0122_E-Paper
P. 29

                                                                             von • by Anne-Clara Stahl


                                                                             A web of tightly interlocking hands, every now and then a face

                                                                             that seems to be hiding between them: the oil on canvas paint-

                                                                             ings Seide (pp. 08–09), Fortuna (pp. 28–29) and Fried (pp.

                                                                             44–45) by the artist Anne-Clara Stahl show an almost endless

                                                                             entanglement of touch and closeness – touching, embracing,

                                                                             holding on, not letting go! How closely are we ourselves inter-

                                                                             woven with our interpersonal relationships? What is cohesion?

                                                                             How much closeness do we need? And when does closeness

                                                                             become confinement? The series Fabricius, which comprises a

                                                                             total of eleven paintings, was created in a time that is to a large

                                                                             extent accompanied by a loss of contact and touch; a period in

                                                                             which digital connection has occasionally replaced physical

                                                                             connection. In this present time – namely in the spring of 2021

                                                                             – the Düsseldorf-born artist graduated with distinction in the

                                                                             “TransArts” class at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.

                                                                             She previously graduated in design from the Folkwang Univer-

                                                                             sity of the Arts in Essen and in interior design from the Ostwest-

                                                                             falen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Detmold.

                                                                             It may be that the artist, who now lives in Vienna, already con-

                                                                             solidated her colour-composing skills here, which are revealed

                                                                             in the balanced polychromy of her later drawings and paint-
                                                                             ings. In any case, her passion for ornamentation, surfaces and

                                                                             two-dimensionality is particularly apparent: when the artworks

                                                                             are viewed from a distance, the image of a continuous, repeat-

                                                                             ing pattern often emerges, which in the meantime has even

                                                                             served the Austrian fashion designer Romana Zöchling as a

                                                                             model for her unusual garments.
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