Page 87 - AIT0119_E-Paper
P. 87

Entwurf • Design LAAC Architekten, AT-Innsbruck
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client MPREIS Warenvertriebs GmbH, Völs
                                                                                        Standort • Location Nusspuite 2, AT-Weer
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 1.340 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Marc Lins Photography, AT-Wien
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 142

                                                                                        SUPERMARKET M-PREIS

                                                                                        IN WEER

                                                                                        Many supermarket chains could learn something here:
                                                                                        Since 1920, the Tyrolean Mölk family has focused on qua-
                                                                                        lity and regionality for food products. For many  years
                                                                                        already, this high standard has also been reflected in the
                                                                                        architecture of the 254 supermarkets. Each branch has
                                                                                        been individually designed by regional architects; integra-
                                                                                        tion into the surrounding scenery goes without saying.

                                                                                        D  uring the past decades, the family business has done quite a lot
                                                                                           exactly right: Whereas German discount stores were still trying to
                                                                                        outdo each other as to the lack of aesthetics and comfort when construc-
                                                                                        ting cheap boxes in the open countryside, MPreis had already for a long
                                                                                        time been reaping international and prestigious architectural awards for
                                                                                        many of its branches; MPreis is also the largest employer in Tyrol and con-
                                                                                        sidered to be one of the best in Austria. Customers not only contributed to
                                                                                        this success, they are also allowed to participate in it – thanks to shopping
                                                                                        experiences provide for them in a special environment. Since the end of
                                                                                        2017, the approximately 1,600 inhabitants of the Tyrolean community of
                                                                                        Weer have likewise had been benefitting. LAAC Architekten designed the
                                                                                        latest MPreis market. Until the end of November, their “Thoughts Form
                                                                                        Matter” contribution to the Biennale  adorned the  Austrian pavilion in
                                                                                        Venice and the city library which opened in Innsbruck just a few weeks
                                                                                        ago has already been nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award. On the
                                                                                        edge of Weer, LAAC Architekten had a monolithic construction built in
                                                                                        whose façade of polished stainless-steel panels the natural surroundings
                                                                                        are reflected changing with the weather, the season and the daylight. On
                                                                                        the south façade, the exposed-concrete areas of the interior are continued
                Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  outside, become  visible there as a circumferential reinforced-concrete
                                                                                        frame and mark the glazed entrance front which opens the market to the
                                                                                        village and lets the products have an effect which can be already noticed
                                                                                        from the outside. The materials used are reduced to what are essentials:
                                                                                        In the market, exposed concrete in a warm colour dominates and puts the
                                                                                        produce in the focus. The concrete ceiling has a velvety structured surface
                                                                                        and the artificial tree-shaped columns of reinforced steel relate to the sur-
                                                                                        round nature. Directed views outside via a shed-roof skylight and above
                                                                                        the delicatessen counter decorated with animal motifs focus on the moun-
                                                                                        tain peaks and are perfect frames for the scenery. The Baguette bistro
                                                                                        adapts to the market’s unobtrusive colour range, homogeneously fits into
                                                                                        the classy and high-quality overall concept and, towards the south,
                Schnitt • Section                                                       expands into the exterior space as good publicity. A super market indeed!

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