Page 134 - AIT0118_E-Paper
P. 134


                                                                             I  t's always a little love affair. The feeling of having discovered a suitable item of clothing
                                                                              when shopping. It stirs one’s blood, fantasies set in about what one will probably expe-
                                                                             rience together. But in the very next moment, the young liaison is put to the test. Arriving
                                                                             in the changing room, the harsh contrasts of a merciless, blazing downlight distort the
                                                                             impression of the clothes. The customer hardly recognises himself in the mirror. This is still
                                                                             the devastating situation in the majority of changing rooms. Outside, everything is done to
                                                                             spark off the little love affair with clothes. Light attracts customers to the shops, which are
                                                                             spectacular worlds of experience designed to draw attention to products and increase con-
                                                                             sumers' propensity to buy. But then, at the place where the final decision to buy is made,
                                                                             that's all over. Customer service ends at the entrance of the cubicle. From here on, there
                                                                             is dreariness, lack of space and poor lighting. The possibility of directly trying on the clo-
                                                                             thes in the changing rooms is the unique selling proposition of stationary retailers compa-
                                                                             red to online competitors! A representative study by the Innofact research institute shows
                                                                             the enormous importance of this microarchitecture. In a precise snapshot, the study
                                                                             records plain figures, which could hardly sound worse from the retail trade's point of view.
                                                                             Three-quarters of all respondents said they could not do without a changing room when
                                                                             buying clothes. At the same time, 72 percent of consumers complain about the equipment
                                                                             or condition of their cubicles. Good lighting is important for 85 percent - and at the same
                                                                             time, over 70 percent are annoyed by poor lighting. Among women, this figure is almost
                                                                             80 percent. This leads to the absurd situation that a total of 40 percent of consumers aban-
                                                                             don their purchasing decisions because they do not like the changing room. What began
                                                                             as a strength of stationary retailing quickly developed into a real sales barrier.

                                                                             The workings are modelled on the rules of photography

                                                                             And yet, the solution is quite simple - at least for Niklas Reiners. For Ansorg, the lighting
                                                                             designer has developed the changing room of the future, called Youzon. According to
                                                                             Reiners, the users of changing rooms need a contemplative space of tranquillity, far away
                                                                             from the stress of everyday life and perhaps also from stressful shopping. Even more
                                                                             important than the look and feel of the clothing is the user's self-perception in the mirror:
                                                                             “This is decisive for the very important recognition process,” explains Reiners. “The more
                                                                             positively the customer perceives himself or herself at first glance, the more he or she iden-
                                                                             tifies with the selected goods.” Clearly illuminated eyes with bright white of the eyes and
               Sechs unterschiedliche Lichtelemente wirken zusammen. • Six different lighting elements work together.  harmonious highlights, a soft yet vivid illumination of the body with a clear visual separa-
                                                                             tion of silhouette and background support the recognition process and emphasise the
                                                                             positive basic mood. This has long been known from photography. “We have taken pho-
                                                                             tography as our guiding principle because  we pursue the same objective,” Reiners
                                                                             explains. “The aim of a good photo is to show the person in a snapshot as advantageous
                                                                             as possible, but realistically with all his or her characteristic strengths. We can do the same
                                                                             with Youzon.” Reiner is passionate about what a changing room should achieve today, first
                                                                             to make its users and then its owner, the retailer, happy: The main mirror should greet its
               Skizze • Sketch                                               guests  with smooth indirect light. It clearly shows fit and materiality at close range.
                                                                             Homogeneous indirect lighting via reflectors lends three-dimensional clarity to flat struc-
                                                                             tures without dazzling. A light shower as ceiling light gives the entire retreat space a softly
                                                                             flattering, but uncompromisingly clear ambient light-   ing. The backlighting of the upper
                                                                             body, in turn, can accentuate the customer's contours and make the hair appear shiny. A
                                                                             light aura opposite the main mirror should ensure that the visitor sees himself or herself
                                                                             in the mirror as a radiant appearance. At the lower edge of the rear wall, a carvetto - just
                                                                             like the infinity cove of a professional photographer - conveys the feeling of spaciousness.
                                                                             This creates a wide, shadow-free space, flooded with soft light that allows customers to
                                                                             perceive themselves positively throughout. With these six freely combinable lighting ele-
                                                                             ments, Youzon is able to lift the user onto a very personal intimate stage.

                                                                             Sensibly used digital elements support the effect

                                                                             In addition, Ansorg has added digital elements to the cubicle. The new possibilities are
                                                                             used moderately. ---Users can use touch screens or touch panels to select an individual
                                                                             lighting scenario that matches the intended occasion when wearing an item. The right light
                                                                             for business, sports, casual or evening wear is available at the touch of a button. According
                                                                             to the Innofact study, the consumption-oriented, fashion-conscious target group between
                                                                             30 and 39 years of age particularly appreciates such digital features. All lighting elements
                                                                             can be infinitely adjusted and have dynamic white light with excellent colour rendering.
                                                                             Nothing stands in the way of the great love of shopping!.

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