Page 36 - AIT0117_E-Paper
P. 36


               Arbeitsmotto •work motto                                      M    rs Schulze-Tsatsas, after your studies of architecture, you were very successful
                                                                                  in architectural journalism and event management. What gave you the idea
                                                                             of quitting your secure job and founding an exclusive label for leather handbags?
               „Context over dogma.“                                         I was very happy in my job yet there was always the wish to work more creatively. After
                                                                             my husband, whose family background is focused on crafting fine bags, was almost get-
                                                                             ting desperate looking for a modern and high-quality men’s bag, we sat down to design
                                                                             a bag for him. This was the first step – additional designs followed as well as plenty of
                                                                             positive feedback and thus the idea of founding Tsatsas was born.

                                                                             r Your father-in-law has decades of experience in leather processing. Your husband
                                                                             as an industrial designer and you as an architect contribute a feeling for design, zeit-
                                                                             geist and brand awareness. Tsatsas seems to be a label which profits from the input
                                                                             by various generations?
                                                                             Tsatsas indeed reflects the skills and the attitude of various generations. Above all, how-
                                                                             ever, the brand profits from the openness, the curiosity and the passion which all the
                                                                             participants bring to the process. One first has to understand the craftsmanship of
                                                                             leather processing in its entirety in order to know what is possible to make or where
                                                                             the limits are to what is feasible. Which does not mean that the limits cannot be opened
                                                                             up or overcome for implementing the design, the aesthetic signature of a product – this
                                                                             approach makes a Tsatsas product what it is.

                                                                             r How much courage is needed for taking the plunge into self-employment?
                                                                             It takes a lot of courage. We took the first steps towards independence while we both
                                                                             were still working in our steady jobs. After work and at the weekends, we continuously
                                                                             refined our idea of a modern brand. But at a certain point we realized that we had to
                                                                             pay our full attention to Tsatsas for bringing the brand to life.
               Coen Grey: eines von vielen formschönen Modellen • Coen Grey: one of the many elegant models
                                                                             r Apart from their upscale appearance, Tsatsas bag also capture with their timeless-
               Einzigartig: Jede handgefertigte Tasche ... • Unique: Each handcrafted bag ...
                                                                             ness. The details are extremely restricted. These are also attributes which charac-
                                                                             terize high-quality architecture. Do you see a connection?
                                                                             It goes without saying that there are strong connections and influences at work between
                                                                             architecture, design and fashion. The way of approaching a design, whether of a bag, a
                                                                             building or furniture is fundamentally identical even though the dimensions differ. In our
                                                                             opinion, a whole design often relies on the details so that we invest a great amount of
                                                                             time in their development. It is often only nuances which decide the aesthetic quality.

                                                                             r Every bag is hand-made. How important is the aspect of manufacture?
                                                                             Extremely important. Apart from our standard of the highest quality for our products, man-
                                                                             ufacture in the true sense of the work also gives us high flexibility. We work very closely
                                                                             with our production plant in Offenbach am Main and together implement the designs of
                                                                             our bags and accessories. In this way and already at an early stage, we can start the
                                                                             detailed elaboration of first ideas and still intervene in the process, test and change.

                                                                             r When designing your bags, do you have an actual use or user in your mind’s eye?
                                                                             Which means are you thinking about for which content, for which occasion and for
                                                                             which type of person the bag is intended?
                                                                             While designing, you always automatically have a user in mind yet not necessarily in the
               ... besitzt ihre eigene Produktionsnummer. • ... has its own production number.
                                                                             form of a specific image but rather as a kind of DNA. We strongly focus on the attitude
                                                                             of the user, his or her needs and interests. The purpose and the potential content of a
                                                                             bag certainly also play a role but satisfying functional requirements is a given for us.

                                                                             r How many employees are today working for Tsatsas and what is the division of
                                                                             work between you and your husband like?
                                                                             Tsatsas currently has a team of six people. The division of work between my husband
                                                                             and me is fluctuating. He is more in charge of the creative part and the production while
                                                                             I take care of the distribution, the communication and the focus of the brand. But we
                                                                             engage in constant dialogue and are both involved in every element of our work.

                                                                             r How did you set up your distribution? Where can your bags be bought?
                                                                             For us, Tsatsas was an international brand from the start. From its foundation in 2012
                                                                             until today, we have looked worldwide for stores which, in our opinion, suit our brand
                                                                             and our products, share our aesthetic as well as quality values and pass these on to
                                                                             their customers. In this way, we are fortunate to be able to work with stores such as
                                                                             Andreas Murkudis in Berlin, The Apartment Store in Zurich, Tomorrowland in Japan or
                                                                             the SSENSE online stores.

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