Page 33 - AIT0116_E-Paper
P. 33

Edible Monsters:
                                                                                 von Zim & Zou, FR-Nancy


                                                                              Last  year, Milan played host to Expo. Commissioned by the

                                                                              well-known Milan La Rinascente department store,  we

                                                                              designed its shop windows at Piazza del Duomo for this event.
                                                                              For our project, we were inspired by the Expo theme park and

                                                                              the various stagings spread over the whole city. At the same

                                                                              time, we  took  up  the  Expo  motto which,  under  the  heading

                                                                              “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” focused on the eating

                                                                              habits of people all around the  world. In this context, our

                                                                              “Edible Monsters” exhibition was intended to draw attention to

                                                                              the excesses of the food industry and, to raise the general pub-

                                                                              lic’s awareness of this issue in a surprising and creative man-

                                                                              ner. Among other results, there were carnivorous sunflowers,

                                                                              mutated  fish  and  corncobs  brought  alive  through  genetic

                                                                              manipulation meant to point to the ever more aggressive culti-

                                                                              vation methods and to the increasing use of chemicals in agri-

                                                                              culture – packaged in caricatures and metaphors  with irony

                                                                              and wit.

                                                                                                                                Zim & Zou
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