Page 4 - AIT1116_Belgrad
P. 4
Foto: Ana Kostic Foto: Salon 1905 Foto: Berliner
Das Eis bei Moritz Eis (30) stammt aus eigener Herstellung. Speisen in histroischem Ambiente: Salon 1905 (31) Im Gewölbe der Bar Berliner (32) gibt es ausgefallenes Bier.
B elgrade lies where the large rivers Danube and Sava 4 p.m. – Branko’s Bridge links the historic centre with the starts at the square is the Museum of Nikola Tesla (23). It
blocks of New Belgrade. A dis trict known for its residential
is in a private villa designed by the famous Serbian archi-
meet and looks back on approximately 7,000 years of
turbulent history. Getting one’s bearings in the urban fabric buildings in the communist style of the 1970s. This is where tect Dragisa Brasovan and is the only museum preserving
is not easy and will put your patience to the test. But once the Palace of Serbia (SIV) (12) stands and also a master- the heritage of the famous Serbian inventor Nicola Tesla.
you have captured the city, accept its charming chaos and piece of Brutalism architecture, the Genex Tower (13) desi- 5 p.m. – Along Beogradska Street you reach the Bulevar
are able to keep up with its frenetic pace, you will love it. gned by Mihajlo Mitrović in 1977. The Yugoslavija (14) was Kralja Aleksandra, the city’s longest street. In Tassmajdan
built by Lavoslav Horvat in 1969 and, at the time, embo- Park stands St Mark’s Church (24). Further on we pass the
Saturday: On the riverbanks died the ideals of modern architecture in New Belgrade. Serbian Main Post Office and the House of the National
6 p.m. – Following the Danube upstream, we reach Ze - Assembly of Serbia (25). At the back of Pionirski Park, are
8.30 a.m. – We start the day by having coffee at Koffein (1) mun, a district with an Austro-Hungarian atmosphere. This the City Hall and the palace of the Serbian President.
before strolling through Kosancicev Venac, the oldest dis - is where the sunset can be enjoyed on the Gardos Tower Through Nikola Pasic Square we arrive at the central squa-
trict of the city. The orthodox Cathedral of St Michael the (15) with a panoramic view of the city. re of the capital, Terazije. Near the Terazije fountain stands
Archangel (2) was built in 1840. Next to it stands the oldest 7 p.m. – The fish restaurants on the Zemum promenade the imposing Moskva Hotel (26). Built in the style of Rus -
tavern which actually has Taverna ? (3) for a name. A furt- are famous. While we look back upon the day, we pamper sian Art Nouveau, it is one of the most striking landmarks
her landmark is the ruin of the National Library destroyed our palates with a delicious dinner and await the night. of Belgrade. The Palata Alba nija (27) is a twelve-storey
during a German bomb attack in 1941. Those who still have enough energy take a taxi to the high-rise and dominates the lower part of the square. It is
10.00 a.m. – Two long stepped streets connect the district Drugstore (16), one of the city’s largest nightclubs. worthwhile making time for a stroll along the best-known
with the bank of the Sava. We take the larger one, cross grand boulevard and the favourite promenade, Knez
Karadordeva Street to the former Beton Hala (4) harbour Sunday: The beauty of the old and the new Mihailova Street. As a pedestrian zone and a shopping
area where trendy bars and restaurants are found today. mile, it links Terazije Square with Kalemegdan Park. It is
11 a.m. – We go back to the historic centre, the fortress in 10 a.m. – This day begins at the breakfast buffet of the listed as one of the oldest and most valuable monumental
Kalemegdan Park (5) with gardens, churches, monuments Homa Bistrot (17), a charming restaurant in the posh dis - building complexes with numerous representative buil-
and winding paths. trict of Vracar. A subsequent visit of the nearby Kalenic (18), dings from the 1870s. Crossing Republic Square with the
1 p.m. – In Kralja Petra (6) Street, one gets a particularly the legendary, about a hundred years old open-sky vegeta- equestrian statue of Prince Mihailo, we reach the National
feeling for Belgrade’s identity. For spending the night, I re - ble market, provides and insight into the real life of the city. Museum (28) and the National The atre (29). After that
com mend Square Nine Hotel (7) in Uzun Mir ko va Street. 11.30 a.m. – We set out for Dedinje, the city’s wealthiest much culture, we spoil ourselves with the frozen delicacies
2.30 p.m. – We cross Akademski Park (8) in the direction district where stately mansions and villas stand next to nu - in the MoritzEis (30) ice-cream parlour.
of the Dorcol district. The oldest still preserved town house merous cultural sites. Embedded in a lush park at the hig- 8 p.m. – We end the weekend in Savamala on the Sava
is located here as are the most significant buildings of the hest point of Dedinje, the Royal Castle (19) offers a magni- riverbank. In the main street, Karadordeva, the Geozavod
19th century such as the house of St Sava, the Pedagogical ficent view of Belgrade and Avala Mountain. To now fami- Building, designed in the style of the academism of the
Museum, the Bayrakli Mosque, the Vuk and Dositej liarize you with the cult around Josip Broz Tito, the presi- 20th century and with a richly decorated façade and a re -
Museum (9) and the Church of Alexander Nevsky. Feel like dent of Yugoslavia for many years, we visit his mausoleum, presentative interior ranks among the region’s most beau-
having a really good espresso? Then we will now stroll to the House of Flowers (20). It is part of the extensive com- tiful buildings. After it had recently been restored, in the
the small roastery Przionica (10) brewing the best coffee, plex of the Museum of Yugoslav History. historic rooms on the ground floor is now the cosily desi-
in my opinion. Neglected for many years, the Milan Gale 2 p.m. – Now we return to Vracar to visit the cathedral of gned Salon 1905 (31) restaurant with upscale cuisine. After
Muskatirovic sports- and recreational complex (11), is St Sava (21), one of the world’s largest orthodox churches. a good meal, we enjoy a beer at Berliner (32), a hip pub
also located. Dorcol has the largest number of restaurants For lunch, I recommend the Dijagonala (22), one of the and grill restaurant. As a domestic product, Kabinet beer
in the city. We follow our instincts and stop for lunch. city’s best restaurants right next to the church. can be recommended. Finally, you should also know that
Should you, however, want to taste the national cuisine, 3.30 p.m. – After the meal, we stroll along Sveti Sava Street every night is a Friday night in Belgrade. So just stay awake
we continue on to the Skadarlija, the artists’ quarter. to Slavija Square. Not far from Beogradska Street which and dance with the locals before boarding your plane.
062 • AIT 11.2016