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                                                                         M    s. Ermantraut, you worked as an intern at 3XN in Copenhagen until January this
                                                                              year. What motivated you to apply to this particular office?
                                                                         As part of my bachelor’s thesis titled “Ecolodge Vivante”, I participated in an international
                                                                         competition organised by the magazine The Plan – Architects of Tomorrow 2022 and actually
                                                                         won in February 2022. The prize included a year’s subscription to The Plan magazine and
                                                                         journal, and an offer for a three-month internship at the renowned architecture firm 3XN. I
                                                                         quickly realised I wanted to stay longer, so the internship lasted almost a year.

                                                                         r What is it like working at 3XN? How large is the office, how is it structured, and how
                                                                         international is it?
                                                                         The office is located in a historical, listed former military boathouse from the eighteenth
                                                                         century,  large  enough  to  accommodate  130  employees. With  numerous  skylights  and
                                                                         floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the canal, the space is filled with natural light. In the
                                                                         summer, everyone can have lunch on the large terrace by the water. In Copenhagen, there
                                                                         are seven main teams working closely together, including competition, interior design,
                                                                         architecture, model workshop, communication, administration, GXN and the render team.
                                                                         Additionally, 3XN also operates offices in Sydney, New York City, Stockholm and London.
                                                                         The range of project is broad, and this is reflected in the teams. 3XN is a very international
                                                                         architecture office, with over 30 different nationalities from various fields. During my time
                                                                         in Copenhagen, there were 18 interns. English is the office language, but many also speak
                                                                         Danish, French and German. So I immediately found my way around and felt at home.

                                                                         r Which buildings by 3XN impress you the most?
           Foto: Adam Mørk, DK-Kopenhagen                                The Quay Quarter Tower is a particularly remarkable building and has won many awards.
                                                                         The tower “recycles” the existing AMP Center from the 1970s. 3XN reused 65 percent of
                                                                         the original structure and 95 percent of the original core, leading to carbon savings of
                                                                         7.3 million kilograms. The Children‘s Hospital in Copenhagen is another very impressive

                                                                         in the “fingers”, while the fingertips are two-storey winter gardens.
           Hat Kira begeistert: Der Quai Quarter Tower in Sydney (2022) ... • The Quai Quarter Tower in Syndey (2022) is a ...  project. The building is designed in the shape of two hands. The patient rooms are located
                                                                         r Who or what is behind the office’s innovation department, GXN?
                                                                         GXN is a research and innovation department where new ideas and technologies can
                 „Der Quay Quarter Tower ist ein ganz                    be explored and tested, which are then incorporated into 3XN projects on a larger scale.

               besonderes Gebäude und hat viele Preise                   GXN has an advisory role for 3XN, but this department also works on external research
                                                                         projects  with  universities,  new  tech  startups  and  other  partners.  Key  topics  include
                  gewonnen. Der Turm „recycelt“ den                      sustainability, circularity and behaviour-oriented design. Research is being conducted into
              bestehenden Turm des AMP-Centers, das in                   how behaviour, materials and future needs are changing.

                    den 1970er-Jahren erbaut wurde.”                     r What specific projects have you been involved in?
                                                                         In my first five months, I worked on the detailed planning of SAP Gardens, a collaboration
                                Kira Ermantraut                          with the Munich-based planning office CL MAP and Latz + Partner from Kranzberg. For this
                                                                         multifunctional sports arena in Munich’s Olympic Park, I worked at the interface between
                                                                         architecture and interior design, helping to create execution plans and working drawings.
           ... resultiert aus dem Umbau eines Hochhauses aus den 1970er-Jahren • ... transformed Skyscraper from the 1970s.  In the second half of my internship, I spent some time in the model workshop, something
                                                                         I always enjoyed during my studies. After that, I participated in a competition at GXN and
                                                                         in a project in Zurich, the Dübendorf Innovation Campus. I contributed to designing plans,
                                                                         diagrams and presentations. Moreover, I learned that practical work is much morediverse
                                                                         compared to studies, especially regarding execution and construction.

                                                                         r Have you noticed any differences in the work and internship culture as well as the
                                                                         work-life balance compared to Germany?
                                                                         I noticed several differences, despite the similarities between Germany and Denmark. For
                                                                         example, we worked fewer hours than in Germany: a 37.5-hour workweek, including a
                                                                         half-hour lunch break, is standard in Denmark. While in Germany, people tend to work
                                                                         an extra hour after closing time, most Copenhageners stick to their working hours. If
                                                                         people have to work late, they can take the time off later, and dinner is provided in the
                                                                         office. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case in most German architecture firms. At 3XN,
                                                                         we interns were treated as full team members from the start and worked on various
           Foto: Adam Mørk, DK-Kopenhagen                                projects. There  was  a  very  family-like,  positive  atmosphere  in  the  office,  encouraged
                                                                         by daily lunch together. In addition, regular activities were organised, such as visits to
                                                                         exhibitions, completed projects, construction sites or “Friday Bars”. Most Danes place
                                                                         more importance on family life and leisure. Working from home is common, and it’s no

           042  •  AIT 10.2024                                           problem to leave early to pick up the kids.
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