Page 4 - AIT1019_VillaGarbald
P. 4

Ein wunderbarer Garten verbindet die Sempervilla von 1864 und den 2004 eröffneten Roccolo von Miller & Maranta. • A wonderful garden connects the Semper Villa (1864) and the Roccolo by Miller & Maranta, opened in 2004.

                T  he trip from Zurich across the Julier Pass and the
                   Maloja Pass took three and a half hours. Now we
                are welcomed by the friendly voices and faces of Siska
                Willaert and Arnout Hostens, our hosts for the next few
                days. Yesterday night they showed us our rooms before
                they disappeared without further ado. The house will  Weitere Informationen unter
                be ours for the next few days!

                The Director of Customs and his poetessa
                                                               Vielfalt aus einem Guss.
                ETH Zurich has been using Villa Garbald as a seminar
                and workshop centre for 15 years. Villa Garbald is a
                work of the famous architect and architectural theorist
                                                               Mit überragender Mineralwerkstoff-Kompetenz ist VARICOR der anerkannte Spezialist für
                Gottfried Semper; his only one south of the Alps! When
                                                               individuelle Formgebung im Nass- und Sanitär-Bereich. Unsere Expertise in der Gusstechnik
                he was commissioned in 1862, he had been a professor  sorgt dafür, dass unsere Kunden bei VARICOR finden, was sie sich wünschen: Planungssicherheit
                in Zurich for several years.  Although he was very busy,  und ein optimales Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis bei grenzenloser Gestaltungsfreiheit in Form und Farbe;
                he accepted the relatively small project with a small  ob bei individuellen Einzelstücken, Kleinserien oder fugenlos verarbeiteten Reihenanlagen.
                budget without hesitation. He never visited the site!
                On his last trip to Italy, however, he had fallen in love
                with the Villa Rustica type, the simple and unadorned
                northern Italian country house that fascinates with its
                fine proportions,  volumes and roof angles. Semper
                ignored the fact that this picturesque typology is not ac-
                tually suited for the rough environment of Bergell. The
                valley is narrow and surrounded by high wooded slo-
                pes and sharp rock ridges. The villages extend along
                the main road. Castasegna is the last village before the
                border to Italy, and Villa Garbald is one of the last hou-
                ses on the Swiss side. At least Semper gave the villa the
                typical stone roof of its neighbours, which is why later
                architectural historians and monument conservators
                were all too willing to give the house the hallmark of
                regionalist building. They hadn't taken a close look!
                Neither did the builder-owners! State Director of Cus-
                toms Agostino Garbald and his wife, the writer – or as
                they say here: the poetessa – Johanna Garbald-Gredig,
                better known under her pseudonym Silvia Andrea,
                came from the wet and cold climate of the Upper En-
                gadine and probably dreamed of Italy when they heard
                the name Castasegna. Semper at least gave them an
                Italian home, which they occupied in 1864. Semper
                had modelled the pergola on Schinkel's Roman Baths
                in Potsdam. Here as there, the horizontal garden ele-
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