Page 5 - AIT1018_FlooringLab
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J  ust in time for the start of Domotex in Hannover in January 2018, the exhibition stand  king on it. A trade fair presentation was then designed for some of the created prototypes.
                   of the Hannover University of Applied Sciences was set up within the newly designed
                                                                              For this purpose, another design course was offered in the following winter semester
                Framing trend area. In this special exhibition area, companies, artists, and universities  2017/2018 under the supervision of Prof. André Nakonz. We got together in a small team
                present their ideas and latest products on this year's main theme of "Unique Universe".  of six students for this realization project. The final design had to be completed within
                Eight innovative, nature-inspired floor coverings were displayed at the stand of Hannover  only six weeks in order to pass on the necessary information to the trade fair company.
                University of Applied Sciences, which, like the stand itself, were developed as part of two  The design is based on a cool, linear concept that generates a laboratory character. "The
                design courses in the Interior Design degree programme.In the 2017 summer semester,  Biomimetic Flooring Lab" illustrates the experimental research approach to the two
                the "Innovative Flooring" design course under the direction of Professor Suzanne  topics of floor coverings and nature. Good timing and coordination among all partici-
                Koechert and Professor André Nakonz started for 14 students. Bionics - and thus transfer-  pants and the various university workshops were decisive for a smooth process. The floor
                ring knowledge from nature to technology - was used as a creative method in the initial  coverings were presented in metal shelves and wooden cubes, which we designed and
                project phase. For us as prospective interior designers, this was an unknown field to be  built ourselves in the university' s wood workshop with the dedicated support of the
                newly explored. A wide variety of bionics techniques, such as the "biology push method"  team. To further enhance the laboratory character,  we developed a bright and cool
                – the search for technical applications for a natural phenomenon - were now used to  lighting concept. The "Statement Wall" with 200 filled glasses made our university logo
                generate ideas and inspiration. The course maintained a very experimental research cha-  widely visible and reminded of bionics as well as of the necessary purity and transpa-
                racter throughout the entire semester. A special incentive was the prospect of being able  rency in laboratories. Not only the entire independent implementation of the project was
                to present our own developments at the university’s trade fair stand at Domotex 2018. In  a challenge for the whole team, but also the organisation and especially the budget plan-
                the first weeks of the semester, various models of nature were researched. Creativity tech-  ning were completely new areas of responsibility. Within two days our team set up the
                niques and experiments should facilitate the first steps into the new topic. All teams, con-  exhibition stand on the former Expo 2000 site in Hannover. Going through the complete
                sisting of two students each, developed ten initial ideas for an innovative floor covering  process of such a project was a special aspect, since only few implementation projects
                based on bionics. In several discussions and interim presentations, these were each  are offered within the scope of the studies. From the first sketches to the implementation
                reduced to the most expressive and promising final idea. Afterwards, all teams had anot-  by ourselves, to the final assembly and subsequent disassembly, we have gone through
                her six weeks to develop prototypes and present them in a documentation as well as a  every phase as a team. We approached both projects, "Innovative Flooring" and "The
                1:1 version. All 10 developments are characterised by very different special features: The  Biomimetic Flooring Lab", with an open mind and great curiosity. The development of
                "Blindsight" guidance system inspired by the clicking sounds of the cicadas, which is  innovative floor coverings has already aroused our interest due to the experimental and
                intended to help visually impaired people find their way around. "Superficious Heat", on  unusual approaches. Especially some initial difficulties of the unusual methods achieved
                the other hand, impresses as an underfloor heating system - based on the principle of  a great learning effect for us and brought with them many new working methods and
                heat regulation of reptiles - which is distinguished by simple maintenance and low ener-  developments. Accordingly, it was particularly exciting for us when the following course
                gy consumption. "Fairkorkt", in turn, is based on butterfly wings, especially their scales  was offered, in which we were allowed to create a presentation area for the prototypes
                arrangement and colour change - a vegan rug that changes both look and feel when wal-  for our own project and on behalf of the other participants.

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