Page 5 - AIT0914_Voralbberg
P. 5

Foto: Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel

                Badehaus beim Seehotel am Kaiserstrand (19) in Lochau  Mesmerhaus (20) in Bildstein
                                                                                                        LED Track 24V
                W    e are proud that Vorarlberg architecture and the  04:30 p.m. – In order to let this eventful day fade away in  Filigran und lichtstark – für
                     crafts scene have become known far beyond the
                                                         due fashion, I take the country road to Hittisau to visit the
                boundaries and we are permanently working on the furt-  Frauenmuseum (11) by Cukrowicz Nachbaur. After so many  professionelle Inszenierung
                her improvement of our high quality standard. With my  impressions it is about time to proceed to the relaxing part
                wife and our son I live in Mellau, an idyllic place at the  of the day. As a culinary highlight and for an overnight stay,
                foot of Kanisfluh. For a relaxed weekend in my gorgeous  I recommend  Gasthof Krone (12) in Hittisau. Bernardo
                                                                                                        Dank der sehr kleinen Abmessungen, gleichwohl
                home region,  you need sturdy shoes and affinity for  Bader converted parts of the building 2007.
                                                                                                        lichtstark und zurückhaltend ideal geeignet für
                                                         Sunday: Destinations outside the valley        Regale, Vitrinen, Schaufenster und vielfältige
                Saturday: Culinary delights                                                             Ladenbau-Anwendungen.
                                                         08:00 a.m. – After breakfast with homemade delicacies
                09:00 a.m. – I enjoy the first espresso on the wonderful  one is invigorated for an exploratory hiking tour to the new
                terrace of the Sonne Lifestyle Resort (1) in Mellau which  bus stops of Krumbach. Under the title BUS:STOP (13), the
                was renovated by Bernd Frick and Richard Win kel. When  municipality invited seven international architects to de -
                leaving the terrace, I take a look at another architectural  sign one bus shelter each. Since May 2014, they serve as
                high light – the Metzgerstüble (2) by Bernardo Bader.  stops for the Bregenzer Wald country bus. (AIT6.2014, p. 24)

                10:00 a.m. – Either by car or by country bus, the tour con-  10:00 a.m. – After so much fresh air, I leave the valley and
                tinues to the neighbouring Andelsbuch, where I pay a visit  drive in the direction of Lake Constance. The first stop is at
                to the upholstery Polsterei Mohr (3). The Werkraum Bre -  the vai (14), the Vorarlberger Architektur Institut in Dorn -
                genzer  wald (4) designed by Swiss architect Peter Zumthor  birn. In the sympathetic Café Marenda Brotkultur (15), I  Die wesentlichen Vorteile auf einem Blick:
                is located on the main road. Zumthor designed a flexible  allow myself a refreshment before I continue to Bre genz.
                venue for the association of local master enterprises. On  Here, I first visit the Vorarl berg Museum (16) by Cukrowicz  ›  Kein UV-Anteil im Licht
                the opposite side of the road, one finds the administration  Nachbaur. It offers interesting insights into the develop-  ›  Flexibel: jeder Spot mit 10° und 30° Ausstrah-
                buil ding of Wälder Versicherung (5), which my partner  ment of the region. Kunsthaus Bregenz (17), a museum for  lungswinkel (2-in-1)
                Peter Plattner and I completed in 2013 (AIT12.2013, p. 110).  con temporary art by Peter Zumthor is situated next door.   ›  erhältlich in den Lichtfarben neutral weiss und
                                                                                                          kalt weiss (andere Farben auf Anfrage)
                12:00 p.m. – As a midday destination, I chose Gasthaus  12:00 p.m. – Having recovered my strength, I walk in the  ›  Systemkomponenten lieferbar in schwarz und
                Adler (6) in Schwarzen berg. Architect Hermann Kaufmann  direction of the lakeside of Lake  Constance and to  the  alu-eloxiert
                carefully refurbished the house. After a delicious meal, I  Seebühne and the Bregenz Festspielhaus (18). Every two
                                                                                                        ›  Einfache und schnelle werkzeuglose Verstellung
                stretch my legs and walk to the fire station (7). With Ber -  years, the programme changes and along  with it the
                                                                                                          der Spots möglich
                nardo Bader, we won the competition in 2012. The volume  impressive stage set.
                                                                                                        ›  Durchdachtes Zubehör (u. a. Glasbodenhalter,
                falls in line with the historic buildings, like Angelika Kauff -
                                                                                                          Montagehülse) für vielfältigen Einsatz
                  mann Museum (8), refurbished by Dietrich/Unter trifaller.  01:00 p.m. – In nice weather, I drive further to Lochau to
                                                                                                        ›  Dank 24V DC Technik mit allen Hera-Trafos und
                                                         have a swim in Lake Constance. My destination is the bath-
                                                                                                          -Controllern ansteuerbar
                03:00 p.m. – The tour goes on in Egg and the Metzler  house at the Seehotel am Kaiserstrand (19).
                Käse-Molke GmbH (9). The building by FAB02 Ar chi tekten
                (AIT1/2.2014, p. 64) comprises show stable, show dairy, a  04:00 p.m. – I have now gathered enough impressions for
                farm cinema and a shop. After wards I set out for another  one weekend. On my way home, I make a detour to Bild -
                proof of Vorarlberg cheese production. Architect Oskar Leo  stein and the Mesmerhaus (20). Together with my wife, I
                Kaufmann designed the  Käsekeller Lingenau (10) as a  have awakened the house of her great-grandparents from
                fair-face concrete building for the association of Vorarlberg  a deep slumber. We now rent holiday apartments with a
                dairy farmers known under the name of ‘Käsestrasse’.   homely interior de sign as an ideal place to relax.
                                                                                                        Hera GmbH & Co. KG · Dieselstraße 9 · 32130 Enger
                                                                                                          Tel. +49 (0) 5224 911-0 · Fax +49 (0) 5224 911-215
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