Page 3 - AIT0523_ThePortal
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                                                                          BesucherInnen können geschossübergreifend kommunizieren. • Visitors can communicate across floors.

            Die Architektur gleicht der des jeweiligen Museums. • The architecture is similar to that of the respective museum.  Schnitt • Section

            T   he master’s thesis entitled The Portal develops a conceptual draft for a future  various museums. As soon as the users wearing the mixed reality goggles walk
                                                                          through the portal, they find themselves in the computer-generated exhibition space
                exhibition design. Based on theoretical and practical design concepts from dif-
            ferent fields and decades, the thesis provides an overview of augmented realities  of the museum, where they can move around at will. The idea behind this is to give
            created by augmented and mixed reality technologies. The focus is on the design and  the architectural setting an exhibition space that, through its digital expandability
            use of an exhibition architecture concept under the premise of collective perception  and superimposition, creates a larger space for exhibits, knowledge and networking.
            and on the question as to what extent the augmented presentation form of mixed  The exemplary selection of six European museums serves as an illustration of the
            reality can create a positive added value. At the centre of this is the future design of  multifunctional applicability of the concept to any museum culture worldwide. Bey-
            knowledge-conveying institutions, with special attention given to museums and their  ond that, however, the selection of the museums and their exhibits as well as indi-
            exhibition spaces as well as depots under the explicit question: “How will we expe-  vidual exhibition objects is a curative task that is not among the focal points of this
            rience a visit to a museum in the future?”. By addressing the topic of mixed reality  master’s thesis, as it is not purposeful for the conceptual design. The portal stands
            for the first time in the form of planning and a conceptual design, this thesis serves  monolithically in the middle of the atrium. Centrally located between the northern
            as a pilot project for the Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart.  and southern parts of the building section, it rises up over all three floors, marking
                                                                          the location of the exhibition and incorporating existing architectural structures. In
            University premises serve as the basis for planning           this way, it creates the transition from the physically experienceable architecture to
                                                                          the virtually enhanced, digital experience and blends them into each other. The geo-
            Various states of design and specially developed design guidelines for a hologram  metry of the portal is based on the architecture of the atrium and may well be ex-
            give an impression of the practical implementation. The story Through the Looking-  pressed divergently in size and shape in a different context. However, the function
            Glass and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll (1871), in which the main charac-  of the portal remains identical and differs only on the basis of the respective exhibi-
            ter enters a parallel world through a mirror, serves as inspiration for the underlying  tion. By connecting the three floors, communication between the visitors on the dif-
            ideas of the design concept implemented here. Building 8 of the Hochschule für  ferent levels is supposed to encourage interaction. In addition, the difference in
            Technik Stuttgart represents the portal for the design, where visitors are offered the  height allows users a varying perspective on the visualised museum content and the
            opportunity to immerse themselves in a parallel world full of digital exhibits from  architecture on display.

            046 • AIT 5.2023
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