Page 5 - AIT0516_Bremen
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                                                        Foto: BTZ Bremer Touristik-Zentrale

               Foto: Loui & Jules

               Loui & Jules Grill boutique (28)         Stadthalle - AWD-Dome (29) von • by Roland Rainer

               see the patrician house No. 6 dating from the 14th centu-  former “Steffensstadt” once was an inhabited harbour  featured  contemporary  artworks  of  private  collectors
               ry as well as works by Bernhard Hoetger and paintings  area. The current appearance of the purely residential  since the 1990s. The adjoining residential area also dates
               by Paula Modersohn-Becker from Worpswede.  district was created in the scope of the urban renewal  from the 1990s; its brick façades remind of the warehou-
               3.00 p.m. – The next sight is the Schnoor (7): the medie-  after 1945 primarily by architects Bernhard Wessel and  ses located here before 1945.
               val neighbourhood with narrow alleys has been preser-  Carsten Schröck. Simultaneously, the port was relocated  5.00 p.m. – One option for the late afternoon is a walk
               ved as a normal residential district, which is visited by  to the western suburb. We walk along the Weser in a  towards the University of Nautical Sciences (23), which
               thousands of tourists every  year. In crafts shops and  westerly direction and reach the “Überseestadt”. This  is one of the exemplary results of post-war architecture
               small galleries as well as at Patisserie Schröters we can  new district is the result of filling the port basin after har-  by Bernhard Wessel in Bremen. Good weather provided,
               watch the masters do their work. In case you feel like a  bour operations  were discontinued in 1991.  The thus  a walk to the old water tower (24) is highly recommen-
               cup of coffee, you should enjoy a break inside the quaint  created building land now provides room for urban plan-  ded. At the former premises of the municipal  works,
               half-timbered building of the “Teestübchen”.  ning developments and is currently still under develop-  another residential district is currently under constructi-
               5.00 p.m. – The Kunsthalle (8) is only a stone’s throw  ment. At the quay of the Europahafen marina (18) one  on. In summer, you should not miss out on a visit to the
               from the Schnoor (8); since 2011, it has two successful  can see what this development aims at. Warehouses are  Beach Club White Pearl or Café Sand (25). Another opti-
               extensions by architects Hufnagel, Pütz and Rafaelian.  converted and new residential buildings blend in with  on is a tour through the Osterholz Tenerver district. In the
               The  Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus (9) opposite features  commerce and trade. The 82-metre tall office building  1970s, Gerhard Dittrich implemented a then “exemplary
               interesting design exhibitions at regular intervals.  “Weser Tower” by Helmut Jahn is regarded as architec-  housing development” around Otto-Brenner-Allee (26).
               7.00 p.m. – Dinner at the stylish Canova Restaurant in the  tural landmark.       4,600 apart ments were constructed in a line of high-rise
               Kunsthalle is recommended. Küche13 (10) in the “Viertel”  12.30 p.m. – At the former timber port we reach the ware-  buildings with up to 21 floors. Advertised as spacious and
               is a cosy alternative. Cineastes  will enjoy the plushy  house “Speicher XI” (19), which currently accommoda-  well-designed apartments at the time of their completi-
               Schauburg, night owls meet at the Bermuda Dreieck (11)  tes an event centre, the University of the Arts, a restau-  on, the estate was never fully let. In 2004, one third of
               underneath the golden vaults of the Capri Bar or in the  rant and the “Bremer Zentrum für Baukultur”. The latter  the residential blocks had to be demolished owing to the
               1970s atmosphere of the Wohnzimmer (12) on Ostertor -  offers six architectural guided tours. A good alternative is  high vacancy rate. The district is still difficult to let. The
               steinweg. Those who want to dance should go to the Lila  an urban walk by aaa-bremen, who campaign for pro-  Aalto Tower (27) by Alvar Aalto dating from 1962 is loca-
               Eule. Hotel ÜberFluss (13) or the Bremer Youth Hostel  jects and activities in the field of temporary use, staging  ted in the nearby Neue Vahr district.
               (14) are recommendable places to spend the night.   of public spaces and urban exploration in Bremen.   7.00 p.m. – Back in the old town, the Weserpromenade
                                                        2.30 p.m. –  We stop at the  “Restaurant der alten  (28) is a good place to have dinner. Loui & Jules Grill -
               Sunday: Hanseatic City today and tomorrow  Feuerwache” (20) with a view to the still existing  old  boutique is especially tasty. The Shakespeare Company
                                                        port facilities. The historic Kaffee-HAG Building is located  in the Neustadt district stages charming theatre plays.
               10.00 a.m. – We start at the Wohnküche (14) with an  at the same harbour basin. People participating in a cof-  Dedicated concert-goers should visit the Kultur zentrum
               extensive breakfast on the river Weser.   fee seminar are granted access to the Marble Hall (21)  Schlachthof at the main station. On the way there, you
               11.00 a.m. – Today’s tour starts on Langenstraße, which  built in 1914 in Art Nouveau style, which reflects the hey-  walk past the Stadthalle (29). Built in 1964 by Roland
               was Bremen’s boulevard and main shopping street befo-  day of Bremen’s coffee trade under Ludwig Roselius.  Rainer, the multipurpose hall  was characterised by
               re 1945. One of the few preserved buildings dating from  3.30 p.m. – The tram line 3 brings us back to the old  an impressive hanging rope construction, the distinctive
               1625 now  accommodates the Chamber of  Architects  town. From Brill we walk to the Teerhof. A four-gabled  pillars of which have only been mere decoration since
               (16).  Walking past the building ensemble of Radio  warehouse ensemble is located at the western end of the  the last conversion in 2005. A place for a relaxed end of
               Bremen by Jürgen Böge, we arrive at the “Kulturkirche St.  promontory in the middle of the Weser and known as  the weekend is Bar Karton (30), which regularly hosts
               Stephani” in the heart of the Stephani Quarter (17). The  Weserburg (22), the museum for modern art, which has  small concerts.

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