Page 4 - AIT0516_Bremen
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Foto: Bauer-Image Advertising / Überseestadt Marketingverein

                Marina Europahafen in der Überseestadt (18)                                       Foto: GfG  Bar in der Feuerwache (20) von • by GfG - Gruppe für Gestaltung

                der Nach kriegs architektur von  Bernhard Wess el ist.  U  nderstatement: yes. Inferiority complexes: no! Loca -  the 17th century fortifications that were converted into a
                Sollte es die Sonne gut meinen, ist ein Gang zum alten  ted on the river Weser, about 60 kilometres from  park, we can take a look at the splendid merchants’ vil-
                Wasserturm (24), den die Bremer liebevoll die „umge-  the sea, the City of Bremen had to give up its original eco-  las of the listed building ensembles Contrescarpe No. 8
                drehten Kommode” nennen, empfehlenswert. Auf dem  nomic basis - port operations – towards the end of the  to 36 (3) built in classicist, historicist and neo-Baroque
                ehemaligen  Gelände  der  Stadt werke  entsteht  derzeit  20th century. The challenge has been accepted emotio-  style. At the Domshof (4), we can stroll across the weekly
                ein weiteres, neues Wohnquartier. Im Som mer sollten  nally but also with a shrug. If you don’t go to sea anymo-  market and take a look at the St. Petri Cathedral and the
                wir den Beach Club White Pearl oder das Café Sand  re, you simply build cars or components for aerospace  almost completed building for Bremer Landesbank by
                (25) mit Blick auf das Viertel an der gegenüberliegen-  industry and make room for a new city development pro-  Caruso St John. The adjoining market square is surroun-
                den Flussseite nicht  verpassen. Eine andere Option  ject in the old harbour area: the “Überseestadt”. From an  ded by, amongst others, the “House of the Bürgerschaft”
                wäre eine Tour durch den Bezirk Osterholz Tenerver im  architectural point of view, Bremen remains to be influ-  built in 1966, the Schütting – the former guildhall of mer-
                Nord osten. Rund um die  Otto-Brenner-Allee (26)  enced by its history despite varied, international influen-  chants, which now accommodates Bremen’s chamber of
                wurde in den 1970er-Jah ren ein damals „beispielhafter  ces. Bremen’s citizens like things to be cosmopolitan,  commerce – and the city hall in the style of the Weser

                Sie dlungs bau“  von Gerhard Ditt rich errichtet. 4.600  culturally varied and cordial - another reason why the  Renaissance, which was  declared  a  UNESCO World
                Wohnungen entstanden in einer Rei he von  Hoch  -  city was given the title “City of Variety” in 2009.   Heritage Site in 2004 together with the Roland of Bremen
                häusern, die mit bis zu 21 Eta gen schon von Weitem zu                            statue on the square.
                sehen sind. Bei Bau fertig stellung mit ge räu migen und  Saturday: by foot through the “parlour”  12.00 p.m. – A visit to the city hall (5) is worthwhile! The
                gut  geschnitten Wohnun gen gepriesen, konn te die                                Upper Hall ranks among the largest column-free halls in
                Siedlung nie vollständig vermietet werden. 2004 muss-  9.30 a.m. – The day starts in an area in vernacular called  secular buildings dating from the Middle Ages and
                ten we gen Leerstandes ein Drittel der  Wohn blocks  “das Viertel” (the district). Only 20 years ago, it was a  accommodates the “Golden Chamber”, a reception room
                zurückgebaut  werden. Bis heute gilt der Bezirk als  street  walker’s patch and a drug trafficking location,  for guests of honour decorated by Heinrich Vogeler in a
                schwer  vermittelbar - sehens wert ist er dennoch.  making it a rather unsafe place. Today, the district with  pure Art Nouveau style.  The 600-year old Bremer
                Unweit von Tene ver liegt die neue Vahr, die mit dem  numerous cafés, bars and boutiques is considered tren-  Ratskeller is a public house in the basement, the home
                Aalto-Hoch haus (27)  von Alvar Aalto aus dem Jahre  dy.  The Coffee Corner (1) at the Sielwall crossing has  of the oldest barrel of wine in Germany, crafted in 1653.
                1962 aufwarten kann.                     been known for its tasty bagels for many years.   The most famous landmark of the city, The Musicians of
                19.00 Uhr  -  Zurück in der Altstadt, eignet  sich die  10.00 a.m. – We start with a walk through the residential  Bremen, is located at the entrance of the Lower Hall.
                Weser promenade (28) für ein Abendessen. Beson ders  streets in this area, where we get to know the most pro-  2.00 p.m. –  We continue to  Böttcherstraße (6). The
                lecker:  Loui & Jules Grillboutique.  Für  den  weiteren  minent and coveted building type of the city:  the  street, constructed between 1922 and 1931 according to
                Wochen end-Aus klang hält die Shakespeare Company  Altbremer Haus. Often built in the 19th and early 20th  plans by Bernhard Hoetger, is an example of expressio-
                in der Neu stadt char  mante Theaterstücke  bereit.  century, the single-family terraced house is markedly  nist brick architecture. One of the highlights here is hid-
                Passionierte Kon zert gän ger sollten das Kultur zen trum  deeper than wide, has a souterrain, front and back gar-  den inside House No. 4: Haus Atlantis was competed in

                Schlachthof am  Haupt bahn hof  nicht  verpassen. Auf  den and an always identical floor plan organisation,  1931 as a glass-steel construction in the style of Art Deco
                dem  Weg  dorthin  kommt  man  außerdem  an  der  which  was applied to apartment buildings and  villas  and accommodated the “Väterkunde Museum” until
                Stadthalle (29) vorbei. 1964 von Roland Rainer erbaut,  alike. We proceed to Ulrichsplatz (2), a popular meeting  1944. After the war, the building was visually adapted to
                hat die Mehr zweckhalle eine eindrucksvolle Hänge  -  place for a brief chat at Café Engel or a stroll through the  the other buildings along the street. Only the “Himmels -

                seilkon struk tion, deren markante Pfei ler seit dem letz-  small designer shops.   saal” and the staircase are maintained in their original
                ten Umbau 2005 leider nur noch Zierde sind. Ein ent-  11.30 a.m. – Along Ostertorsteinweg  we arrive at the  design. Interested visitors are granted access on request
                spannter Abschluss gelingt in der Bar Karton (30), die  “Theater am Goetheplatz”, which is known for its contro-  at the reception of the neighbouring Radisson Blu Hotel.
                regelmäßig kleine Konzerte veranstaltet.  versial productions. Along the ramparts, the remains of  A visit to the Museum Böttcherstraße makes it possible to

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