Page 3 - AIT0423_AllianzAreal
P. 3


            Treffpunkt: Platz vor dem Eingangsbereich • Meeting point: square in front of the entrance area  Sportfläche auf dem zurückgebauten Turm • Sports area on the dismantled tower

            Der ehemalige Sitz der Allianz am einstigen Standort der Silberburg wird nun wieder für  young people and, on the other hand, will bring nature back into the city through an
            die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Nicht nur durch die Umnutzung von Bestand, son-  urban redevelopment. Karlshöhe thus can be better experienced again by the city resi-
            dern auch durch das Schaffen von nutzungsoffenen Räumen und einer klaren städtebau-  dents, and the new alliance for young people is created in the large vacant current
            lichen Situation wird eine Dauerhaftigkeit des Ortes gefördert. So wird mit einem neuen  structure. The existing, gridded concrete skeleton building is complemented with a light
            Ort des Frohsinns an historischer Stelle Raum und Aufmerksamkeit auf eine soziale  steel structure. This provides spaces that the former office tower does not offer. The
            Gruppe übertragen, die dieses besonders benötigt. Um in der Innenstadt nicht mehr ver-  structure includes double-storey and climatically special recreation rooms in the tower
            siegelte Flächen zu generieren, geschieht dies in einer großen, bestehenden Struktur in  as well as a column-free multifunctional room on the top floor. On the lower cubes,
            Verbindung zur angrenzenden Natur, mit einem ausgeklügelten Re-use-Konzept.  the added layer provides space for access to the roofs used as open spaces and enclo-
                                                                          ses the outdoor sports area. The existing structure of the building is retained as far as
            K   arlshöhe rises up as an attractive green island in Stuttgart's sea of houses and to-  possible, as it allows for flexible layouts. In addition to the public uses, such as the
                pographically separates the south from the west of the city. At this historically
                                                                          neighbourhood garage in the basement, the supermarket and the restaurants on the
            complex and scenically special location once stood the Silberburg, a restaurant desti-  ground floor, the venues for young people, such as a youth hostel, a media library and
            nation which had long been popular as a place of cheerfulness and conviviality. At the  studios, are located in the preserved tower. In addition, there are floors, so-called "in-
            foot of Karlshöhe on the axis of Johanneskirche is today the main location of the Allianz  dividual areas", which are being completely renovated so that the young people can
            insurance company. For a site adjacent to the former Silberburg complex, in 1966 the  adopt and design them themselves. Connecting the old and the new, the new façade
            Stuttgart architect Harald Deilmann (1920–2008) had won the competition for the ex-  wraps itself around the ensemble like a red cloak. The colour is reminiscent of materi-
            tension of the existing Wilhelminian building. After a surprising change of plans, ho-  als in Stuttgart's west, such as the red sandstone used for the Wilhelminian buildings
            wever, two towers were built instead of the original one. These stand out in the citys-  or the rusty red seen on many of the roofs. The sequence gives the cubes of various
            cape and block the access to the green space with their dominant cubature. The plan-  heights a different appearance. The former Allianz headquarters at the past site where
            ned relocation of the company will free up the high-rise buildings, and the question  the Silberburg used to stand is now being made accessible to the public again. Not only
            arises as to what will happen to this inner-city potential site which could be used spe-  through the conversion of existing buildings, but also through the creation of spaces
            cifically to provide a social group with an appreciated contemporary venue. In Stutt-  that are flexible and through a clear urban-planning situation, a permanence of the lo-
            gart, there is a need for spaces where young people can spend time outside of school  cation is promoted. In this way, a new place of cheerfulness on a historic site gives
            or their homes and themselves design them. Therefore, our answer for the soon to be  room and attention to a social group that particularly needs it at the present time. In
            vacant Allianz site is a new neighbourhood building block for the west of Stuttgart  order to avoid generating even more sealed areas in the inner city, this is done in a
            which, on the one hand, will become a new social meeting place with a focus on  large, existing structure in connection with the surrounding nature.

            044 • AIT 4.2023
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