Page 4 - AIT0125_Textilcampus
P. 4
Atelier+: Grundriss • Floor plan Atelier+: Materialcollage • Atelier+: material collage
Das Dachgeschoss bietet ideale Bedingungen für studentische Arbeitsplätze — kann aber auch als Showroom umgenutzt werden. • The top floor offers ideal conditions for student workspaces – but can also be converted into a showroom.
concept, focusing on establishing a fashion design school. By drawing on the local new, retaining the original structure while integrating modern features. The spatial
history and textile craftsmanship, the academic activities will enhance and repurpose design builds upon the existing red brick walls: materials were added that underscore
the factory buildings. This approach aims to revitalise the significance of textile crafts the historical fabric. Screed flooring and beige metal of the snack bar provide subtle
in the town. The “Campus Section” acts as a link between the two aforementioned architectural complements, while the dark-stained oak of the bookshelves and built-
new uses. Through symbiotic uses, these components will intertwine to upgrade the ins adds a warm contrast. A vibrant orange tone is a recurring theme in furnishings,
factory premises, transforming the industrial brownfield into an attractive meeting textile elements, information graphics and accents in various fixtures. The “Atelier+”,
place for visitors, residents and students. This new dynamic will be supported by a a convertible studio in the attic of the former Noack production building, serves as
staged campus atmosphere, including student apartments, a distinctive campus shop a generous workspace for students. Spanning 600 square metres, the space is made
and catering facilities. Within the overall concept, the “Tuchbuden” (cloth booths) flexible by adaptable furnishings, enabling its use as both individual workspaces and
serve as the central link between the fashion design school and the interactive uses a venue for fashion shows. Desks can be connected to double as catwalks. Additional-
on the premises. This area, located in the former Bergami Factory, is designed to ly, a movable shelving unit fits seamlessly into the curved roof structure, functioning
appeal equally to visitors and students through its combination of dining options, as both a room divider and a stage element. The primary design focus remains on
an associated library, and inviting outdoor spaces. The café on the ground floor and the existing features, including raw concrete walls and an impressive skylight. The
the snack bar in the courtyard have been integrated into the ruin-like structure as space-defining shelf, made of burnished metal, complements the industrial aesthetic,
metal “booths”, highlighting the contrast between old and new. The library on the while oak wood furniture and worktables provide a warm contrast to the cool mate-
upper floor is directly connected to these elements and accessible via the adjacent rials. Finely textured pendant lights and seating with fabric covers in shades of pink
teaching spaces in the next building. It also emphasises the juxtaposition of old and and rosé add layers of detail, further emphasising the juxtaposition of old and new.
AIT 1/2.2025 • 045