Page 4 - AIT0125_Graz
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Foto: Harry Schiffer / Graz Tourismus, Graz
Gewächshäuser im Botanischen Garten (14), Volker Giencke • Botanical Garden (14): Greenhouses, Volker Giencke
Foto: Paolo Rosselli, Mailand Foto: Alex Krischner, Graz
Forschung, Lehre und Kunst: Med Uni Campus (15) von Riegler Riewe • Med Uni Campus (15) by Riegler Riewe Vorzeigeprojekt: Terrassenhaussiedlung (16), Werkgruppe Graz • Terraced housing estate (16), Werkgruppe Graz
harsh criticism, has become an integral part of the cityscape, and it is hard to imagine rey glass cube floats above the existing structure, with the underside of the cantilever
Graz without it. Right next to it is the Murinsel (8) by Vito Acconci – a venue for events adorned with a perspective drawing by artist Anna Artaker.
and catering that floats in the river and is heavy with meaning. Both were central projects r 13:00 — In 1995, the greenhouses designed by Volker Giencke were opened in the Bota-
for Graz’s year as European Capital of Culture in 2003. nical Garden Graz (14). The exotic atmosphere, rich in plants, staged in the sloping, para-
r 17:00 — Gewürzhaus Van den Berg (9) is a small, secret place in the middle of the city: bola-shaped glass volumes made of filigree arched elements, is magnificent. Today, with
an inconspicuous entrance to a courtyard leads through a ten-storey residential building the vegetation now so abundant, the delicate acrylic sculptures almost seem to burst –
into a microcosm of spices, herbs and spirits. LOVE architecture and urbanism converted perhaps this is what the architect meant when he spoke of a ‘tangible constructive risk’...
the former carpentry workshop, and we love the combination of fresh flavours and good r 15:00 — Since we want to experience more architecture, our tour now takes us to the
humour that make it a must-visit! Med Uni Campus Graz (15). The new building of the Medical University of Graz, designed
r 18:00 — A rough, mighty rock rises up right in the centre of Graz’s old town: the Schloss- by Riegler Riewe Architects, brings together the university’s medical facilities, which were
berg (10). On, in and through it are numerous attractions affording fantastic views over previously scattered across the city, all administrative areas and the university’s repre-
the city, such as the clock tower, the casemates, various catering establishments, forti- sentative rooms with the LKH University Hospital Graz under one roof – with the campus
fications, the Schlossberg cable car, the Schlossberg lift and even the world’s highest expressively combining medicine and art. From the ceiling of level 8, eight life-size figures
underground slide (great fun!). The absolute highlight is the Graz Museum Schlossberg look down at you, depicting the stages of human development from baby to old age – an
(11) by Studio WG3: here, functional and sensual design meets magnificent exhibition impressive installation by artist Manfred Erjautz. In the middle of the grounds stands a
architecture. Very beautiful! sculpture by Esther Stocker: its surface is made of hardened truck tarpaulin and, with
its resemblance to a crumpled sheet of paper, is intended to remind us of the countless
Sunday: Exploring architecture beyond the old town discarded ideas of researchers.
r 16:00 — Even though the trailblazing terraced housing estate (16), which was designed
r 10:00 — At the History Museum (12) at Sackstrasse 16, the Schaudepot at Palais Herber- by Werkgruppe Graz, dates from 1978, it is still highly topical: scale and density, 531 flats,
stein, conceived as an exhibition depot by INNOCAD architecture, is particularly worth developed in a participatory manner, ‘house within a house’ idea, countless types of flats,
mentioning: a wing of the baroque palais, a significant historic building in the city centre, a system of green balconies and terraces, integrated into the natural environment of the
has been transformed into a super-smooth enfilade of rooms that could also be located Ruckerlberg – and these are just a few keywords about this icon of residential constructi-
underground, like a depot. Along the walls, ingeniously placed sequences of brushed on by Werkgruppe Graz, which is an absolute must-see in Graz!
aluminium or concave metal meshes wind through the historic rooms. Behind them, 17:00 — Graz would certainly not be the same architecturally without Günther Domenig!
loosely arranged and evenly illuminated clouds of exhibits are on display. And suddenly Together with Eilfried Huth, he built one of his most exciting projects in the courtyard of
the Baroque era is back again: silver really is the new gold! the Institute of the Franciscan School Sisters of Graz (17) (Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Kai 16): a
r 12:00 — Passing through the Paulus Gate and the city park, our tour now takes us out- caterpillar-like shell made of shotcrete forms the roof of the multipurpose hall, which
side the old city walls and to the university quarter. Here we find the university library really conveys the feeling of being inside a living creature – a truly expressive sculptural
(13) at Universitätsplatz 3A, newly designed by Atelier Thomas Pucher. A striking, two-sto- architecture at its finest, which knows no compromises!
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